#11 David Zaharakis - Surviving full-Ironmans

Needs to kick more last minute gamewinning goals. Has really plateaued in that area.

Gee reading through these reviews I feel as though our supporters are wollowing in years of poor performances now seeing a below average season by the likes of zaharakis and stanton as a positive. Surely needs to do a lot more, can be a very lazy footballer at times for mine.

Love him. That knee in the back seemed to slow him down a bit this year. Professional "kicker of the winning goal at the last minute".

Needs to get a few more strings to his bow. Kicking red-time goals to win matches is so 2009.

With a full preseason under his belt, he will be cherry ripe with a huge motor. Love his work and with him Hepps and Jobe in the middle, we will kill them.

I didn't think his first half of the season was that good (especially the first 7 or so rounds) but going by those stats, seems as though he played very very well.

Hope he is able to string a few games together without injury.  Consistancy is a must.


Seems to lack composure under pressure and needs to work on that part of his game.  Otherwise, he could be anything in 2014 with another pre-season under his belt.

His misses goes alright to

Really has to work on his two-way running.  At the moment, its one way jogging.  This year I paid particular attention to his movements, when we didn't have the ball, and it confirmed my thoughts.  He is not working hard enough.  Zaka could be anything.  When he is 'on', he reminds me a lot of Mark Mercuri.  He has to really pulling his finger out to reach anywhere near Mercs' level ... HE was a Rolls Royce!

He needs to at least make the AA squad in 2014 for him to reach his potential.

He jogs both ways. He needs to improve his endurance.

He jogs both ways. He needs to improve his endurance.

Agree, this is his issue. I don't think the calf problems have helped

Really has to work on his two-way running.  At the moment, its one way jogging.  This year I paid particular attention to his movements, when we didn't have the ball, and it confirmed my thoughts.  He is not working hard enough.  Zaka could be anything.  When he is 'on', he reminds me a lot of Mark Mercuri.  He has to really pulling his finger out to reach anywhere near Mercs' level ... HE was a Rolls Royce!

l also noticed him a few times off the ball, when he seemed a bit non plussed about what he should be doing, where he should be running. Plenty of upside in him, but as others have pointed out, he could work a fair bit harder on applying pressure and improve the defensive side of his game. 

He needs to at least make the AA squad in 2014 for him to reach his potential.

He wears the wrong colours to make the AA squad.

He needs to mature more, I still see the little boy in Zaka......needs to go another level next year and really stamp his authority of becoming an A grade midfielder.

Needs to learn a bit more geography...Memphis and New Orleans are NOT on Route 66.

He needs to mature more, I still see the little boy in Zaka......needs to go another level next year and really stamp his authority of becoming an A grade midfielder.



Has been a boy-child in a mans world.


Needs his plums to drop.


Start by doing a lot less social media than a tweenie girl.


Could be anything.


He jogs both ways. He needs to improve his endurance.

Agree, this is his issue. I don't think the calf problems have helped


agreed. does seem to get caught running up and down on the spot more than most of the mids.


would like to know how his time trials and beep tests compare to the other mids. top sides don't carry too many burst players as starting mids. he has to run harder than he does at this level both way not just when there is a goal in the offing. you rarely see him doing a hard unrewarded run to the wing to provide an option like licha would countless time a game.


having said that i think he did show improvement in this area this year. while still not a great chaser his work rate within the zone to push across and cover options was there.


the other thing he needs to improve is how he uses the ball out of stoppages, if he doesn't get it on the move from the stoppage he has a tendency to panic a bit and kick it away blindly. Needs to work on his awareness and lateral vision and be prepared to take a few more hits .

I didn't think his first half of the season was that good (especially the first 7 or so rounds) but going by those stats, seems as though he played very very well.

I don't think he was.


Never got going this year. Leaving out the defensive running (don't get me wrong, it is very important), his primary job is to create spark & pace & burst out of packs, and that just wasn't there at all. I don't think it's fair to say his year was characterised by Lovett style defensive efforts mixed with Lovett style brililance (which he has tended to, in past years), it just wasn't characterised by much at all.


He was there, in the team, he collected touches, he was involved a bit, but he just wasn't himself.


Will make us much more dangerous if he's up & about in 2014.

he’s best is very good

he’s worst is really bad

Not that he hasn't been impressive so far, but I reckon 2014 is going to be a massive year for Zaka.