A film about the bombers

the musical?

The character of the father in Muriel’s wedding could serve as a script for Vlad.

Coleman seems like the perfect biopic candidate. Classic Hollywood “star that shines twice as bright but half as long” tragic story.


12 goals on DEBUT for goodness sake.
People changed ends and quarter time to watch him.
Centre it around post war australia 1949/50 and 1951 debacle.
Becoming an Essendon publican.

The Colemans comeback as a coach post injury.

Do it whilst harry lambert is still around.

If K Sheedy really wants Essendon to be the Man U of AFL then this is the sort of footballer biopic that would do it.

Anything on Hird or Sheedy is too Early. King Richard would be good too, but not as dramatic as John Coleman.

Jimmy Bartel to play the schoolgirl.


Oo, can we make a St. Kilda movie?

You can show it at midnight on SBS.


I couldn’t think of anything worse.


For rat cunning?

Of all the suggestions I’m leaning more towards the pisstake comedy.
But preferably around the Hawthorn’line in the sand’ era.
Sacha Baron Cohen to play Campbell Brown?
Will Ferrell as Brereton?
And a CGI spot of Christopher Lee as Kennett.

Bowls Club vs. Essington FC.

From both points of view.

Those type stories are never well received when the little guy loses as badly as we did.


Allready been made

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Was there also some issue between the Essendon club and the EFC ?

haha! I had scroll up to see you weren’t referring to the Saga

Titled “My Journey from an Old Boot to a Cute Fluffy Dog!”:wink:

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