A little crispy one Garry - The footy media thread

Without going into too much detail; as a Social Worker, I worked in a family violence service for ten years.

Ive case managed mothers and children who had to leave the perpetrator of violence in their home. I have talked to thousands of high school students about sexual relationships. I have run young men’s programs for blokes that are in the juvenile justice system. I have talked to hundreds of young women about setting boundaries with men in their life.

The thing that angers me when men take no responsibility for their behaviour, is that they think it’s all in isolation. And it’s just a ‘few nut cases that make us all look bad’. Trust me, young men are watching and learning. Young men are in desperate need of positive male role models. They are in desperate need of meaningful conversations about what it means to be a man.

Young men are seeking out prnography as sex education. They are being initiated into manhood on end of season footy trips when they turn 18. They are sending girls dck pics in the expectation they get a picture back. They are desperate for male role models. They are simply not getting them. They are learning and watching. They reenact how they think a man behaves. And They think status is built on how many girls they’ve slept with.

Last but not least. I’ve worked with young sexoffenders who are set for prison time. Their behaviour is learned. Sure, they have significant underlying issues and personality disorders. But they have learned the behaviour from older role models. I garruntee these comments that Hall made on the radio, it hasn’t turned someone into a rapist. But it definitely reinforces it as acceptable. These blokes use every bit of justification for what they do, from external sources.

I solute the psychologists working with these guys, because it’s the most challenging work you will ever do.