A little crispy one Garry - The footy media thread

I think otherwise.

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Regardless of your opinion on Whateley:
‘Some people say…’
Is a meme going back to Negus.
It was original then.
Over the past thirty-five years it has become a cheap and gutless way to slide in an opinion while taking absolutely no responsibility for it yourself.
If you’re lucky you won’t get caught and called out on it.
But by gosh you’re silly (arrogant?) to try it on with a politician.
They’re wise to it. Have been for a long time.
Have to be.
So how that unfolded, once it was initiated, was not only predictable but entirely justified.


I disagree with you too. I don’t believe Whately to be arrogant, but understand why some do, but he is definitely not silly. He asked a question that a reasonable percentage of his audience might want answered because that is what they think of Kennett when he comments on sport and the distinctions between men and women. Just because GW doesn’t support the assertion that JK is misogynistic shouldn’t (in my book) preclude him from asking the question on behalf of those in his audience that do feel this way. As Darli said, it was an opportunity for JK to eloquently answer those critics and instead he turned it into a one sided boorish argument.

Yeah, I get that.
I’m saying journalists know exactly what phrasing a question that way is, and so do politicians.
Especially those as experienced as Whateley and Kennett.

If Whateley wasn’t trying it on, then I guess the kindest other explanation was that he had a mini-job-specific brain explosion.

Edit: Also, some people know the literal meaning of words, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kennett was one of them.

To be fair, I think Kennett only hates the poofters. They’re all paedos, he says publicly. He also thinks you should keep Kool Mints in the car so you can drive drunk and cover it up if pulled over.

I wish I was joking.

(Ha, American swear filter misses poofters.)


Wot I said!

You mean like this?

Saw Rudd give it back to a journo in person, too.

She looks like shes itching to unleash mi6.

That made me laugh.

Re Whateley/Kennett - not sure the question needed to be phrased in that manner, not sure Beyond Blue needed to be included in the response.

A nil all draw in this case.

RoCo’s on. Love RoCo.

And he’s got Dustin’s old man on as well.

Dustin’s old man can’t believe Dustin doesn’t have a defensive coaching position in the AFL. Neither can I.


Just turned off kB and dr turf. I just realised that I couldn’t handle them prattling on. No heads or voices for radio.

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■■■, they are the odd couple. Dr Turf is the harridan wife, KB is the wimpy husband with peck marks all over his neck. KBs last year on the radio.

God I miss Finey…Who is that boring bloke they have on after 7pm

One of fat Hutchy’s mates no doubt. Banal and characterless, and comes across every bit as an AwFuL apologist, like all of them now. Sycophants Entertainment Network…


Could have used him on our camp during the saga.

Your being too unkind they are not the Sycphants Entertainment Network at all, please get it right they deserve no less than to be known as the Shithouse Entertainment Network