Taken from my house in Greenvale about 10.45 tonight.
Rolling thunder and lightning just won’t stop.
Puppy is barking and I can’t get to sleep.
Hence blitz and cricket.
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any update on the townsville floods?
Its weird seeing the rain radar for Melbourne with the rain approaching from the east.
C’mon cool change!
Wait til my doona has dried, if you don’t mind…
Looks to be at Horsham / Warrnambool type range… Predicted about 6pm
Roll me an athletics check. See if you make it in time to bring your doona inside.
This. Bloody stinking hot and I am moving furniture into our house.
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I cast Haste.
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But do you have fire protection for this heat?
Temperature dropped a lot in Geelong. Maybe the change is coming.
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Cat 5 monster off the NW coast.
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Cool change is here!
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