All things made of wood

Now i’m picturing Irons as the Bourbon Moth dude.

There is so much joy though when everything has it’s place!

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That’s my other workshop. This one is a bit messier.


Literally the nicest things anyone has said to me on Blitz in my 9 years here.


I don’t see the issue

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You know he’s right about sanding and drinking though

Looks like merante

The blokes at Heywood Mens Shed made this. The top is redgum.

It’s yours for $500.


I was messy as a teenager, but the penny dropped years ago when I had a problem I couldn’t solve one day, and was in a mess. I packed up & cleaned up late that night, and I found it helped me solve it during the next work session. Mum and dad got through to me… finally. The mess manifests mentally. Now it’s habit to tidy up.


Are you actually making a fkn aeroplane?? Are you Bruce Wayne, or you just take risks in style?

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Oh, this is a good thread.

General question that is no doubt not genuine at all… I have a bit of a thing for cleaning up / modifying beautiful 50s through to tacky 70s stuff, mainly sideboards and tables. Obviously there’s a lot of veneer finishes involved.

Any tips or cheats on stuff that’s had a fair battering? I’ve become reasonably adept at “skin grafting” using inconspicuous spots for donor veneer, but it’s robbing Peter to pay Pauline.

I’ll try and dig out some of my old grainy pictures of ridiculous mods I’ve done to a few Nana cabinets over the years.

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He’s not Bruce Wayne. He’s Alfred.


I recently rewatched the Christian Bale run of batman movies and every time Alfred appeared I could not help but blurt out the “Allo. I’m Michael Caine. What would you say… If I told you… That this gun… Was loaded” but from triple J mornings back in the day.

Paul McDermott perhaps?


My second aeroplane. First one i started building when I was 15 (in Strathmore in 1987) and finished and flew when I was 31 (in Seattle USA). Pictured is first flight June 9th, 2004 over Arlington Airport. I still fly it today.

I’m here to live a long, full and happy life. Adventure by adventure. ■■■■ it, why not? Ain’t life grand!?



That is absolutely brilliant. I didn’t mean to be flippant - genuinely amazed.

After that first flight the buzz must’ve been incredible. I made a little shelf and I still get a little kick out of it. You make friggin aeroplanes!!

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The Homebuilt aircraft movement is massive. You can build from plans and raw materials or buy a 49% built kit. 1 seat to 6 seat. 75 knots to 350 knots… pressurised. You name it. I’ve done great trips like crossing the Rockies or trips Melbourne to Perth and return. It’s incredible and totally attainable.

Bottom line: If I can do it, anyone can.


When I saw the thread title, the first thing I thought of was Louis Jordan’s song “Everything that’s made of wood was once a tree”

It was recorded over 70 years ago, and I couldn’t find a version online, but recommend it to you. Listen with a fine whisky while you admire your fine woodwork:

Louis Jordan:

Everything that’s made of wood was once a tree
It was made to be understood by fools like me
Now you’re sitting on a chair, and you’re sitting nice and cozy there
But you’re really not sitting on a chair, you’re sitting on a tree

Somebody yelled timber
Yes and then she came tumbling down
Whether it’s a door or a chair or a floor
The roots are still in the ground

Everything that’s made of wood was once a tree
And all that is sticks of branches in your house that you may see
Now you’ve got that gorgeous tv set, sitting in that lovely cabinet
But it ain’t sitting in a cabinet, it’s sitting in a tree

Somebody yelled timber
Yes and then she came tumbling down
Whether it’s a door or a chair or a floor
The roots are still in the ground

Everything that’s made of wood was once a tree
And don’t you get the wrong idea, ain’t nothing free
You got collectors by the score, they even knocking on your door
But they’re not really knocking on your door, they’re knocking on a tree

Somebody yelled timber
And then she came tumbling down
Whether it’s a door or a chair or a floor
The roots are still in the ground

Everything that’s made of wood was once a tree
And it was made to be understood by a fool like me
Now when you’re dead, they weep, and when you’re buried six feet deep
You’re really not buried in a coffin, you’re buried in a tree

Somebody yelled timber
Yes and then she came tumbling down
Whether it’s a door or a chair or a floor
The roots are still in the ground


I’d build it but I’d never fly in it!

Unbelievable isn’t it.
A Blitzer made a Plane, and then had absolute confidence that it was Air worthy.

I’m not posting anything in here until the workmanship is perfect !


I made a Nimbus 2000 for my son when he turned 8. It still hasn’t made it off the ground yet.