Assange can be extradited to the USA (TBC)

He lost me when he backed Trump

I knew almost nothing about the Opium wars until 10 years ago when I started working in China. All that English history they made us learn at school, but nothing about this. Of course we didn’t learn about what the English did to Indigenous Australians either, but I do recall a class on the legal interpretation of terra nullius.


Could not have said it more succinctly.

Get ready and start learning to speak Chinese.


What’s mandarin for rat ■■■■?

Yep. Follow Rudd’s example.

A French girlfriend of mine has done exactly that. First she learnt English, then Mandarin — now she makes a good living as a free-lance translator working between her three languages.

鼠他妈的 (Shǔ tā mā de)


Excellent, I expect I will get punched by some stranger as I practice that this weekend.

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I think Perce just grabbed that off google translate. A better translation is

操一只大鼠 (cāo yī zhǐ dà shǔ) which literally translates as fuckk a rat.

If you are going to insult someone you should at least give them a chance to understand you. You could also try
操你妈 (Cāo nǐ mā) ie motherfarker.


I try to only insult myself, but that can be misconstrued as you wander down the street rehearsing. Thank you for refining the precision with which I do it.

As for Assange: Why couldn’t the silly bugger just keep his head down until we had a Labor government here ? He has no chance while the Fascists are in power here; but the Labor lot aren’t as assiduous in cleaning the Septics’ recta with their tongues as Scumbag and his Fascists are, and might have been persuaded to ask the English to deport him home to Australia.

But the silly bugger had to continue needling the Ecuadoreans, even after their change of Government. The new President was just looking for a chance to get rid of him — and he obliged, instead of keeping his head down. Tactically he’s a babe-in-arms — always has been. Babes-in-arms grow up, but not Assange, poor bugger. Maybe the “experts” who’ve called Assange a narcissist are right ?

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The Judge in the Court called him that last week. Takes one to know one.

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I thought judges are supposed to be impartial and judge cases on their merits. This one appears to have already predetermined ideas. So much for a fair trial


How dumb. Publishing private details about the Ecuadorian leader. You know the ones who had been accommodating him for 7 years. Really how does that benefit anyone, least of all him But prior to that taunted the USA, knowing full well, they would not like it if he released the information.

Really, what did he expect? The USA dropped a bomb on 2 cities in Japan that killed 1000s of innocent people in a “war” situation. He is just one person. who betrayed the USA in a “war” situation

Now he comes out with a lot of righteous indignation. He might have a kind of moral right to expose information from the biggest country in the world. But did he think they would just accept it, and say “Good boy Jules”

Welcome to the real world of retribution.

As to the expectation that the Australian Government are going to fight to get him off? They will only fight for his rights. Thats the extent of it, whether its a Labor or Coalition government.

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If you prioritise the cause ahead of what is in your self interest, is it dumb to put the cause first or is it loyalty (maybe obsession) to the cause?
Assange is fighting for transparency to uncover corruption at all levels. He may feel that if he suppresses information to benefit his own personal circumstances, then he is engaging in just another cover up.
He does appear narcissistic, is suffering mental stress from his confinement, and no doubt loves releasing information which shows what a corrupt bunch of people run our governments and business institutions.
The lack of accountability is what enables the corruption. I think we need more wikileaks.


You’re more generous towards Assange’s motives than I am.

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If true, he really knows how not to be a good house/embassy guest.

You think he’s in it for the lifestyle?


It couldn’t have been the $4 billion that Ecuador have received from the IMF just recently

For those who don’t know, the current Ecuador president gagged Assange last year so no internet access. He (Lenin Moreno) is currently embroiled in a huge scandle which was retweeted by WikiLeaks on Twitter and this was used as the pretext to boot him out.


I think we need to focus on the cause, the organisation and the usefulness of the information which has been released. What kind of person Assange is, is irrelevant to me, as he is probably flawed like all of us.
Corruption is fueled by secrecy and misinformation. I like the way Wikileaks publishes information without the biased editorials so obvious in mainstream media.


The IMF is a fine, upstanding organisation committed entirely to the altruistic advancement of those in need and are completely free of any influence from imperialist influences such as that that have allegedly eminated from such righteous and unbiased sources as the CIA and, as such, I’ll have no truck with those who suggest that they may exist entirely to facilitate the will of American imperialism and its goal for world domination for the benefit of private entities in possession of a wealth/ideology driven agenda.

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