Does the character of Fred Neil appear?
Having taken sufficient time to recover from ‘Mulholland Drive’, I got around to watching ‘Blue Velvet’ for the first time last night.
As a film, I think it’s superior to MD and, although weird in parts in the apparently usual Lynch style, an interesting and engaging story.
Kudos to Dennis Hopper for his portrayal of the unforgettable Frank Booth. The candy coloured man they call the Sandman …
I think the first Dune film stood up much better than the second. The first leaned hard into the weirdness of the source material, and was distinctive as a result. The second only kept that up in patches. I was talking about this with a mate after seeing the films back to back, and we decided that the second movie had action scenes, while the first one had violence scenes. Completely different vibe.
I’ve read the book a bunch of times, and reread it just before watching. There was a LOTin there that was pretty unfilmable, which therefore didn’t get filmed. It left big holes and weird incomprehensible bits in the second film etc, as the director tried to hit the high points of the book without having to go into huge expository digressions into weird eugenics, or the micro ecology of Arrakis, or the internal workings of politics within the Harkonnens and Bene Gesserit, or all the bizarre stuff about Paul’s sister. A lot of stuff on screen was meaningless without referencing the book, which made it tricky.
Not that I noticed.
den of thieves 2 is hot trash
Book is an absolute classic and read it first in 1967 not long after it was released as two books. Frank Herbert was a genius writer and right into politics being a Republican and Environmentalist ! Not sure he would approve of Trump.
Have watched all the Dune movies and these two are the best by a long way, and do a reasonable job of telling the story. You are right that it might be harder to watch if you have not read the books.
Not sure if this counts as a movie…the new Star Trek: Section 31 movie (straight to Prime).
Yikes, what a hot mess.
On tv now…
Is there a more wholesome non-kids movie than A Knight’s Tale?
Every moment of it makes me smile.
Terminator 1 - Arnie.
It’s the best of the series I think.
As the terminator he’s just relentless, and there’s plenty indiscriminate killing in order to track down the target. The only downside is the soundtrack is just a bad dream of 89s synths trying to build tension.
Tho, I did come away starting to the think that T2 is just the same, just like Alien and Aliens. Both originals and sequels have many scenes and aspects that make them almost the same movie.
Fall Guy (Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt)
I wanted to like it more, shot in Sydney, little cameo from Lee Majors
Anything with Ryan Gosling is pretty much going to be trash
Whilst I don’t know his whole back catalogue, Blade Runner 2 is very good.
I liked Crazy, Stupid Love
(not sure why this posted twice…)
While I would have agreed with you early in his career he’s had some good to great roles in the middle portion.
Tinhillterror already mentioned:
Blade Runner 2
Nice guys
The Big Short
The Place Amongst the Pines (I didn’t rate the entire movie but the first third with him is excellent)
Ides of March
Conclave is very good
Best way to describe it is like a political thriller set in the vatican
It’s slow in parts, but always very engaging.
21 Jump St Seth and Channing
It’s ok for a ‘we have nothing to watch, and this might be ok’ mood.
7/10 if you’re desperate. If you want something to tell your friends you watched to feel intelligent, don’t bother.
Good short disturbing thriller/horror out now.
Just caught it at the flicks. Steven Soderberghs latest.
Might be more a black skivvy variety except well you can see it at your local multiplex. Better than your average scary movie
Channing Tatum is one of those actors that whenever I see him in the trailer for the movie, I almost always skip it
I don’t understand how he constantly gets roles. He is the rebel Wilson of male actors to me