At the movies

She was sensational!

Not so sure about Phil though.

I am a huge fan of the original Blade Runner and have been since it first came out. There are in total over 10 different versions that have been released, but the three main ones are the original commercial release (with voiceover), the Director’s Cut and the Final Cut. The commercial release was quite well received by critics, although the voiceover was panned; I thought the whole thing was a complete knockout from the very first seconds, and the voiceover wasn’t excessive and was in fact necessary to make sense of the plot, which would otherwise have been close to impossible to follow. The Director’s Cut was loved by the critics, but I didn’t think it was an improvement and was a bit too long. The Final Cut is the best. The picture quality is improved and the plot sequencing is tightened.

It’s not a perfect film. There’s no such thing. Some of the things in it are logically inconsistent with others, and the whole artificial animal thing is left completely unexplained.

And the new Blade Runner 2049 doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as any of them. I feared the worst after seeing the trailer which showed one character saying to Ryan Gosling (whom I find it hard to take seriously at the best of times) in breathless tones: “This could break the world!!!” Yeah, right.

Out of a sense of duty I went to the Como after work yesterday and fortified myself with a martini (not bad) and a piece of panettone (lovely) and sat through the whole 2 hours 44 minutes of it. And terminally boring it was. There was not the ghost of a spark of originality about it – it’s goodies vs baddies, complete with a principal villain with weird eyes and something electronic plugged into the back of his head. Long, portentous pauses with overpowering sub-Vangelis music filling the gap; random pursuits in flying cars; gun battles with nobody getting hit; a car getting flooded without explanation for all the water. Just a load of rubbish. I was on the verge of walking out several times, but I stuck it out. At least I can say that I’ve seen it. And all of the critics who rave about it have bought a large batch of snake oil.

@SMJ do you still have hype now?

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Ahm…it was in the sea. With open doors.

fortified by 1 or 10 martinis?

Only one. Plus the feature length Shiraz I took in with me. It should have been 10

Cyborg 2 is a masterpeice.

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And how did it get there? It landed on land. The water then started rising around it. Could have been tide I guess. Rising extremely quickly.

Not sure how Blade 2 can be any sort of sequel if it has goodies and baddies.
Can still be a good film, just not thematically a sequel*.
Still want to see it, though.

*Shut up, Alien/Evil Dead fans.

Lol, yeah it’s a classic.

Made famous by being Angelina Jolie’s first starring role in a feature.

Pretty sure she got her girls out as well.

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It was really martini. A dirty martini.
That wasn’t a car, it was a giant olive.

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Dirty martini? That’s something disgusting that young people drink who don’t have any sense of taste, isn’t it?

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These fkg European art films get weirder every year i swear…

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Yes, yes, it’s all the rage with the young whipper-snappers…

I got served one once in Port Douglas at what was supposedly a trendy bar. I asked for a martini with an olive, and got served this undrinkable salty thing. I took it back and asked for a proper martini. They then gave me one that was warm, and at that point I gave up. We had been intending to have dinner there but went elsewhere.


Hard Target is one of my faves. The mullet, knocking out a rattle snake and, Wilford Brimley riding a horse away from an exploding shack. 10/10. Lance Henrickson was good in it as well.

Henrickson was also in another 90’s action masterpeice as well called ‘Stone Cold’.

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Hitman’s Bodyguard

I’m sure you don’t expect higher-brow themes and method acting - and you’d be right not to. But this film is surprisingly fun. Lots of action for the easily distracted, and above all else, pretty hilarious at times. Go watch it as a ‘comedy’.


Lance is the king of all B grade actors.

The tv series millennium was his best work.