Australia’s Black History

“Celebrities” can GAGF


LOL. Good luck with that.

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Seems like a good idea to me.

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Explain why people who have worked hard to own their own homes should have to pay such a tax?

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Fun little hot take.
Ignoring business, mining, etc. and that the genuinely rich don’t have a weekly income.

Sounds like a right wing story intended to annoy.


Who is they?

When I saw that Clementine Ford was involved, I realised what a great idea it would be. She is fantastic in every way.

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of course nothing will change. if your view of celebrating australia day is all about genocide and the poor treatment of aboriginals, how do you merely change a date and celebrate being australian. is the genocide and poor treatment somehow going to become lessened if you say have it on april 26th ? is it not going to be brought up then ? or used to turn it into a guilt trip for us whiteys who never actually did any of the atrocities ?

I always like these arguments, oh the day should be more inclusive and this and that and and WE should change, and if you don’t want to change you’re just a big old racist (to whatever varying degree people want to say or imply it). Ironically it’s always one side who has to be “more inclusive” while disregarding right or wrong peoples views about wanting to celebrate the day for their own reasons whatever they are.

I don’t know why it can’t be both a day of mourning for past misdeeds but also a celebration about what the nation theoretically could become moving forward, with knowledge and understanding on both sides, striving to make it better for all.
what a pipe dream that is.


Because they bought land that was most likely stolen at some stage from First Nations people.

Only homeowners bought land?

It’s extremely silly.

I like silly

Homeowners refers to all land owners.

I used the same argument when people said my “Drink till you can’t Rememberance Day” event at the pub I was managing was deemed offensive. Wanted to mourn / respect / remember and celebrate and get smashed.

Well you go ahead and pay…I think I’ll just do with having to pay taxes and rates…I don’t need another bill.


Sounds like a Wake to me…nothing wrong with a good wake.

The more the years go on, the more people are starting to realise how ridiculous some of this ■■■■ is getting.


Did you read the article? It’s an entirely voluntary thing. There’s no tax. There’s no compulsion. You don’t ‘have to’ do anything.

I suspect a whole lot of the usual suspects from right wing politics will label it a tax, because that suits their agenda, but it’s a charity more than anything.

To be honest…No…I started reading and just got annoyed.

More do gooders trying to solve problems that Governments have failed to solve.

I’m generally pretty left of centre politically but this type of stuff really does my head in (voluntary or not).

so you’ve spent your whole life gaining advantage from stolen land, money homes, business’s, why haven’t you give all of that ill gotten gains to aboriginal people, communties or foundations that help them ??

pretty ■■■■■■ of you if you ask me.

That’s a pretty good definition of the charity and volunteer sector in general right there, mind you. Salvos, St V de P and a bunch of others step in where govt fails vulnerable people. All sorts of conservation volunteers, Friends-Of groups and the like step up when govts fall short on environmental issues. Mens sheds and a bunch of other community-based programs paper over the cracks where govts aren’t sufficient on mental health and so on.

Seems like the same sort of principle to me.


Daily Mail…says it all.

How to be even more rubbish that News Corp.