Australia’s Black History

There’s something in what you say.
On one hand you could assume that there’s tacit agreement on everything I chose not to take issue with.

Having said that, it bothers me that I found that particular thing, among all the other terrible, horrible stuff, so irritating.

I don’t know why it’s so important to me to point out that the place was named after the guy who explored the area, which was entirely standard, and not named in honour of his exploitation.

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That’s appalling. Fark.

Fair enough, albeit more waffle than Polly ever had, but the condemnation is probably more of people like Little Johnny who gave succour to the culture ‘warriors’ by, for example, inserting one of his treacherous little slogans into the dialogue “black armband’ view of history which gave them the ammunition to run with utter bullshart like “all we’re teaching the kids in our socialist public schools is how evil whitey is…”. They knew exactly what they were doing and still do. No dog whistles, farking elephant trumpets.

How dare you! I was waxing lyrical.

Ha, sorry. I miss Pollywaffles.

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On a lighter note, I’m going to channel Molly here by saying do yourselves a favour and stream KGB on iView. It’s hilarious.

Sounds like the Belgian Congo.

How the dark can you laugh at kids doing a performance, regardless of the skin colour or the performance*??? What a ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ set of human beings those ■■■■■ are.

*unless comedy show, obviously.

Maybe for the the tv thread but Robbie Hood starts tonight, should be worth a look. Warwick Thornton’s son the creator.

My Daughter-in-laws clan in Yirrkala fought and won a land rights deal with Nabalco in Gove. While old white guys have screwed them over many years they still keep most of the control of the funds and provide a yearly stipend to the around 700 tribe members. The quality of housing OK and they gave a school and medical clinic, and they run the place themselves, with some family squabbling.

My point is that mining royalty payments should happen in all locations. The reliance on Government is where it falls over.

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It’s also relevant to them having a voice, as in the Uluru statement. They get to decide on what they need at the community level and their involvement in projects - as compared to decisions taken at east coast central level and based on Anglo family structures and infrastructure.


Some good news as we continue to step slowly forward…

Voting has opened for Victorian Aboriginal communities to elect the people who will help make the rules for what are expected to be the first treaty negotiations in Australia.


Great news.

Awesome to see this.

"It has been more than a century since anyone was married in a cultural union ceremony on the land of the Port Curtis Coral Coast people.

Now, a Queensland couple is hoping their actions will revive the tradition."

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An interesting read:


Beyond the name of the place?

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Essington - Doomed to fail

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No idea which thread this incident was discussed but it is being reported by ABC Mildura that charges are being laid.