Sounds like a meat pie containing only lips and arseholes
There is a difference between a Government decision and Labor Policy. Government is not actually bound by any policy, and all previous Governments in my time have been the same in this regards.
will be interesting if other politicians follow suit.
No win for Albanese. Posters criticising him for not being tough on anti Semitism. Then gets mocked for doing exactly what the critics have demanded to combat anti Semitism.
Too late she cried, too late. Or, if he went early it’s big government
Only doing it because he caved into Mr Potato heads bluster
Oh gee.
Where did this guy get the letters from after his name?
A weetbix box?
Edit. Ah he’s originally a Labor MP. Then into One Nation now an Independent.
Sounds like Mark Latham lite.
Albo is a jelly fish.
Plus, the ONLY reason to vote for either major party is to keep the other party out of office.
The Australian political landscape is a wasteland of incompetence, stupidity, greed, corruption, self interest and bull-■■■■ peddlars.
Muhammad Ali: “You have to float like a butterfly …”
Jellyfish: “Yep, on it”.
Muhammad Ali: " … and sting like a bee".
Jellyfish: “Oh boy, I am so nailing this!”.
Well then, isn’t it time the Labor membership stood up against their corrupt, weak, self-serving Caucus, from Albo down, and told them to implement official party policy or fuckoff out of parliament ?
He gets credit from me for taking action. The criticism levelled at Albo though is he’s constantly slow to act, invariably being led on this issue by the opposition who again yesterday persuaded the PM to act on mandatory sentencing…. As he ended up doing.
I agree
I’m not a big albo fan but as far as I’m concerned he’s always said the people who do these things should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law . are you only happier now because he used the phrase “hunt them down”?
these arguments trying pin everything on him are petty and meaningless and anyone who perpetuates these storied are just showing their own personal bias and have no credibility whatsoever on this subject
it’s ok if you just don’t like anything about him , but don’t hide it behind silly stories.
Both you and I know the party membership has lost any power it may of once had. Sane in liberals and greens. For a democratic country, its political parties are not democratic.
Just want to put it out there.
I’m a big fan of Albo.
Despite his managerial style I think he’s a great politician who has led from the centre.
Come on - what do you really dislike about Albo?
That he’s Catholic from an Italian background? That he waffles on a bit?
Or do you hate that:
He gave every taxpayer a tax cut.
He led a government to a budget surplus? Something that hadn’t been done for a decade.
That he oversaw wage increases?
And still managed to claw back inflation that had been fueled by a fiscally irresponsible Liberal government and an over zealous reserve bank. Both with loose and now too tight monetary policy.
Or do you expect him to make private businesses lower their prices? Heck he at least ensured there was an enquiry into it.
People ■■■■ and moan and expect governments to do everything for them.
They don’t.
And Anthony Albanese hasn’t led a government that’s snowballed us in debt. He’s not rallying on social division. He’s not bitten on stupid ■■■■■■■ gotya questions on culture war crap.
Anthony Albanese is a good Prime Minister.
Much like Julia Gillard was a bloody good one too.
spam expert comments on spam
CEO of Santos is “very worried” about Victoria.
Her business sells gas.
Victoria is going electric
Her market is drying up.
Thats what she is worried about.
But yeh, spin it, but dont expect us to believe you, lady.