Avengers Infinity War: Spoilers Thread

My hot take:

So we learned from GotG that you need to be pretty special to hold an infinity stone, so it’s implied you have to be incredibly strong to wield the infinity gauntlet, or it will kill you.

In the beginning, Doctor Strange says he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Tony or Peter to protect the time stone, and he means it because he’s kind of a high functioning sociopath. He then sees all possibilities where they win. He then straight up gives Thanos the time stone to save Tony Stark’s life.

Couple this with Thanos killing half of all life doing some damage to the infinity gauntlet, Stark foreshadowing the happily ever after ending with Pepper, and Robert Downey Jr. costing north of 50 million dollars a movie, the one version where they win has Tony Stark gets the Infinity Gauntlet and sacrifice himself to bring everyone Thanos has killed back to life. And then the Gauntlet breaks.

How long have you been there?
An hour


Memo to Jackets: WSPHU.

Opens here in China on May 11. I will be there. Thanos takes villiany to whole new level, not to mention another dimension.




All the movies since Civil War have been slightly out of order, not that it seems to matter continuity wise. I think they wanted to break up the movies, with Ant-Man and Wasp likely being something very different to the intensity of Infinity War, and to set up their appearance in Avengers 4

which half? he said it was all randomised with no favour to rich or poor.

surely the gold star squad can’t survive?

also just quietly ■■■■ quill.

Ant Man & the wasp will see them travel to the quantum zone, so I can see the end credits scene being them coming out of it and seeing half the earth gone and setting them up for Avengers 4


Good bye actress that looks vaguely like rihanna in green skin.

I imagine that Antman and the Wasp is straight after Civil war when he is locked up. It runs over a year or 2, Then at the end of the movie their families (& Hawkeye’s family) disappear because of Thanos.

She’ll be back.

thanks mr comic book guy!

I’m hoping in the next one she sends nudez from whatever dimension she’s in.

You are very welcome.

I don’t reckon she will. The one’s that went to ash im sure will come back. Loki, Vision and Gamora and gone i reckon. Would just make the whole thing a joke if they were brought back

I hope not. Need real stakes. All pre-snap heroes are dead for sure.

Minute you start reviving people nothing ever matters.

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She WILL be back. She is trapped in the soul stone with the others who turned to dust.

Vision will be back too, as the wakanda chick removed his “life force” from the stone just in time.

The stakes will come in the end of part 4. Stark and probably Cap with sacrifice themselves for the dust avengers

Oh and did I mention I’m Kevin Feige?

I couldn’t decide whether to post a picture of Gandalf or John Snow in response to this.

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