
I made a lot of jokes during the pushing stage to try and liven the mood. Then when it was really getting close to crunch time the OB looked me straight in the eye and said “no more jokes”. I proceeded to very promptly shut the ■■■■ up after that


Hahahaha I’m just picturing a face dropping in disappointment after being told off.

Some people just don’t like fun I guess.

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I tried to tread a fine line between being supportive and presenting a small target. I apparently failed on both counts.


seems your joke telling is not a successful thing

It’s pretty brutal, just be as supportive as you can, and forget whatever was said immediately afterwards.


You’re about to witness a miracle, CB! A time you will never forget. Best of luck to you both.


My missus tried to get off the table during one particularly bad bout of contractions, saying “This is not my farking scene, I’m going home”.


Essendon winning an Elimination final?

I was silent giving birth. MrHeff was prepared for the swearing onslaught given my propensity to swear. It was so painful and exhausting (first time) I couldn’t even summon the energy to swear.


From a female perspective - first time approaching labour is terrifying and exciting. I had a couple of red lines I had discussed with MrHeff - things I knew would upset me 1. Don’t ask me how I am. 2. Don’t try and encourage me with inspirational sayings or phrases 3. Don’t mention Collingwood.

He adhered to the above.

All the best to you and Mrs Crazy Bomber.


A Sidebottom snag in the goal square might have expedited the whole thing.


Very true.

In the best tradition of Blitz family usernames, I’m assuming the newborn will be a Little Crazy.


How did Heff handle the birthing exprrience?

He was asleep for most of the first birth as I laboured all night.

Rules for partners on the birthing suite

  1. Be there (although right now, where else are you going to be!)
  2. Do whatever she says/asks
  3. Take everything. No complaints. Just take it.

I slept more than @bugman5 first time round! Epidural meant I couldn’t feel anything below my shoulders for a good chunk of labour (wore off by the pushing part though!)

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My two were polar opposite experiences. The first born was a 22 hour labour and I likened the birthing suite experience to being the passenger in a car crash, you’re there and going along for the ride but you aren’t controlling a thing. For me, watching my wife go through what she went through was a harrowing experience. To see your loved one going through all that you can see in her face but unable to do anything about it is such a helpless feeling. The birth eventually happened around 3:30am. One thing I was not prepared for was the questions re the placenta and what to do with it. I nearly barfed when the midwife asked me if I wanted to keep it and I responded with why would I want to keep it…

The second was over in 49mins. No epidural, nothing. Waters broke at home, put mrs Sunbury in the car to go to hospital, they admitted her to the maternity ward and almost straight away into the birthing suite and before the doctor could even get in the suite, the midwife had delivered our second.

Our two girls are our world.


Couldn’t agree more @Mr_Sunbury_1.

As obvious as it sounds, kids are truly life changing in every way.