Ben Cousins Goes Ape (again)

Duturde is well on the way to becoming a dictator. The war on drugs in the Philipines has been massively popular, but it has also taken the lives of 5,000 people, many of them are not drug related deaths at all. He has turned the police force into de facto death squads.

And a side-effect has been that anyone in the Philippines who wants to kill someone else just shoots them anmd leaves their body in a ditch with a ā€˜drug dealerā€™ sign taped to them, because that basically guarantees the police wonā€™t investigate.

Scary ā– ā– ā– ā–  happening there.

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Yep, and they are well on the way to martial law and Duturde becoming a dictator, in the mould of Marcos, but with far more blood on his hands.

Couldnā€™t have more blood on his hands than Marcos, and walking around Manila is nothing like back in the early 1980ā€™s, when Police and Army did whatever they liked.

Of course, you are both correct that it is an extreme approach and should be condemned, but when I have seen my Son at his lowest and know how easy it was to take a quick trip to Richmond and get supply at most corners, it is an option.

At least the Cousins family know where he is now and the state has become his babysitter. Anyone who can get themselves clean and rehabilitated in jail is to be congratulated because not too many can or do.

Very sad for his family and his kids.

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Itā€™s almost impossible.

Jail isnā€™t the place to get clean, lol

Ben Cousins looks set to serve his full jail term, now sporting shoulder length hair and long beard

Fallen off the wagon again ā€¦ arrested this morning for meth possession

And he has a kid as well.

Poor old Benny is seriously farked up. Itā€™s a long hard road back from where he is, if he even makes it. Sad to see things like this happen to anyone.


Anything else depressing going to happen today.
Really sad.

Heā€™s got 2

Addictions are the number one killer.

When I say addictions Iā€™m speaking about alcoholism, drug abuse both legal and illegal, anorexia nervosa and bulimia, gambling in all its various forms and others. How the addiction often plays out, helplessness, into hopelessness. Where people lose the will to continue and fall into depression and others who lose the will to live.

Once a person falls off the wagon it gets harder and harder to get back on. It becomes more difficult every time it happens. And it happens quicker and quicker. I was on the methadone program.


Yep, uncle just passed away.
Fkn ripper day,

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Sorry to hear :frowning:

Sorry also for Cousins. The toll on his family and people who love him must be insane. I just hope there is a happy ending somewhere and not the feared worst outcome.


Condolences to you and the family.

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Sounds like Cousins wife is a little ā– ā– ā– ā–  as well.

Drugs are bad. If he fcked that off he would be able to sort out dealing with a bad egg of an ex wife.
