She’s representing Wilkinson, I’d dare say she looking like she on the winning side this time.
called it
but also - watch this space
Nine has also pursued a third-party costs order against the veteran’s financial backers, including Kerry Stokes’s private company Australian Capital Equity and Seven Network, his former employer
i always thought losing was a binary thing - you either lose or you don’t
but apparently there’s scales to losing. and this crew are really innovating in that space.
-edit- three years from now we’re gonna find out that he got delayed onset polio while doing war crimes
Don’t forget a Moral Victory on that losing scale as well.
The typical Murdoch response.
Those emails couldn’t have been very flattering to Kerry.
Two news outlets agreeing to keep things secret.
See the problem?
And the next edition in this saga commences.
The appeal is going well.
WTAF is that?
SIngo paying for an ad in the newspaper this morning
Why? God knows
WTAF was that?
Singo, I need a favour with the BRS saga, he’s copping plenty and his reputation is RS. Can you help?
No worries Kerry.
I’ve never actually been a policeman…
But I support the policeman who shot innocent people in cold blood.
Because I’m a coward. Apparently.
I mean…I’m not.
I’ve had people threaten my life, and my family’s lives, many times.
Never raised an eyebrow.
What an absolute ■■■■.
I can answer yes to every question in his first paragraph and can emphatically state he is completely talking out of his arse.
The things BRS is accused of aren’t split-second decisions in combat, they were calculated acts of murder that brought shame to our entire Defence Force.
For me, the day this all came to light was like the day Essendon “self-reported” and started the SAGA. Except with war crimes. And murder. And a complete failure of leadership and command within an organisation that I am a part of.
Go ■■■■ yourself John Singleton, you imbecilic cockwomble.
Singo seems to be a weird dude.