Best smell

I walk under a blossoming honeysuckle tree on my way to work most mornings. The smell is glorious.

HOT PAN, oil, onions, garlic.

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The top of your toddlers head

The top of your toddlers head

Sure beats the other end.

Pretty sure even vegans secretly love the smell of bacon cooking. Next best thing is fresh hops

its the big ol bbq that gets me. i need a cold shower.

Linseed oil on a new cricket not sure if people still do that.

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Oh man you just brought back wonderful childhood memories of my father. Thank you. Genuinely, thank you.

When I still lived at home with ma and pa brem, and it would be around 10:00 am in early summer - mum would have toast, bacon and coffee going in the kitchen and dad would have already started mowing the lawns. And Iā€™m just getting out of bed coz Iā€™m a lazyarsed 17 year old. Nothing better.

Conversely - if the old man had kippers for breakfast (we hail from Scotlandā€¦) and had already had his morning movementā€¦ farkinell!

Thread is making me nostalgic.

Chops on a BBQ

Fresh roasted coffee beans are up there.

Permanent markers

Permanent markers

Iā€™m impartial to the whiteboard myself

Permanent markers

Iā€™m impartial to the whiteboard myself


Onions on a BBQ