Bitcoin, and other tulips


Spewing I didn’t act sooner before it jumped to over a dollar. I’ve bought about $500 worth - we’ll see what happens as I’m part of the ponzi scheme now lol. I don’t think ripple will ever reach the heights of other cryptos though as the creators have a few billion coins that they slowly inject into to the market at regular periods.

Arsene wenger’s MO?

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At last, a practical use for Bitcoin.

That’s one way to circumvent the effects of a socialist paradise.

There is another disturbing article but it is behind the WSJ paywall, concerns North Korea and theft of Bitcoin.

Yeah but for everyone one or those guys. 99 paedophile terrorists win

The market for Bitcoin and all other Cryptos has crashed insanely today!

Will be interesting to see if it will shoot back up again, but people are selling at an alarming mate and the Market Cap has dropped $200 Billion AUD.

We’re also likely seeing the “bitcoin whales” finally cashing out. A thousand people own 40 percent of the bitcoin market and when that price edged toward $20,000, the writing was on the wall.

At the same time, joy of joys DON’T Panic^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Again at the same time.

Did you get in before the weekend crash?

I did. Prices are back to where they were pre the crash. It’s just part of this crypto mkt I guess. If you can’t handle the falls it’s not for you but I’m good as I haven’t put in anything I can’t afford to lose and am up 400% for the month

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For something different, I did a $20 btc paper wallet for the family Kris Kringle.

0.001 bitcoins. It’s worth about $18 at the moment.

And here I was thinking I was being generous.


Tell that to people who invested at 24k and lost half there money this week. I’m sure they will appreciate your story.

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welcome to investing. deal with it.


Investing? No



further to the point, if something is volatile enough to increase in value several fold, its volatile enough to decrease as well.

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You would have only lost if you were foolish enough to panic and sell out when it’s low. If that’s the case then your risk tolerance doesn’t suit this market

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That is based on the assumption it goes back up for you to sell at break even of profit.

Have look at the dotcom boom, probably the most similar thing to the current crypto craze. If you brought in above 3000 and didn’t sell then even ten years later you still wouldn’t have broken even.


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Yep, that’s right. But yesterday’s short term drop in price was very different. No coins went bust yesterday and the market recovered within an hour of the fall. Very different scenarios. The reality is if you lost a lot yesterday it’s very likely because you sold low rather than holding your position. That being said, like any investment you need to do your research and know what you’re entering into.

The crypto mkt is unregulated, corrupt and extremely risky

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The goodnews is President Maduro is planning to launch his own oil based crpto-currency to sidestep US sanctions.
Get in on the ground floor while you can.

It didn’t recover anywhere near its peak. Not even close.

If you bought at 24k you are ■■■■■■.

Your answer to the dot com boom is wrong. Some of the companies continued to trade and continued to be good business. Bitcoins only value and I repeat only value is what is given to it by investors. There is no underlying business value.


There’s nothing wrong with my comments in the dot com bust. Your points are irrelevant to what I said. Regardless, if you lost money yesterday then that’s a shame. Don’t let it put you off, just do better research and understand your market and risk tolerance.

By better research I refer to your last point. There are very real use cases emerging behind some coins, who’s success relies very much on the successful implementation of these use cases. Again do better research and don’t blindly buy into the bitcoin hype

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