Bitcoin, and other tulips

Can you still get on? And if so…how?

Fork over 20 % and…

People without Bitcoin: This is a bubble, it’s going to crash and people are gonna get burnt.

People with Bitcoin: This is the future, and the price will just keep going up.

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Saw a graph the other day that actually charted this exact behaviour.

A person close to me who has been in financial difficulty for several years now just invested $5k of money he really can’t spare into Bitcoin. I hope he does well out of it.

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They just invested $5k they can’t spare, into bitcoin now?



Best way to make money is by going to work. This has always been the issue with numpties “investing”/gambling on the ASX and now crypto. Instead of chucking in money they can afford to lose, they put their life savings in it, then spend the whole time ■■■■■■■■ their dacks.

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With decision making like that it’s hard to imagine how they’re struggling.



It’s the stampede all over again.

Real estate is a sensible investment.

Most of the old dings that bought houses in my old area when nobody wanted to live there are all zillionaires now.

That is every market transaction ever. I’m selling cause I don’t see more value vs I’m buying cause I see value.

I was at a Bitcoin Seminar in late September and no ■■■■, Bomber rocked up, we talked Richmond for about 30 seconds and Cryptocurrencies for about 30 minutes. Amazingly down to earth bloke, loves James Hird, big into his Bitcoin. As a child of the early 80’s I was buzzing for days, to talk to your childhood footyhero about your latest obsession, nuts, absolutely nuts.


It’s a bit rich complaining about the environmental damage of bitcoin mining, when the current ‘equivalent’ Gold is mined all over the place at significant damage to the planet.

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Well, if you change your phrasing the becomes a simple statement if cause & effect really.

People who think bitcoin is a bubble don’t buy any.

People who think bitcoin is a good investment buy them.

I’m leaning somewhat to the ‘bubble’ side of the argument atm, but returns right now are so huge that if I wasn’t busy stacking every spare $ on to my mortgage I’d probably gamble a bit on them. A bit of high risk high return is acceptable so long as most of your eggs are in safer baskets…

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What country is bitcoin using more energy than today


There is a graph on this page

If you’re not already in with Bitcoin I wouldn’t bother now. If it drops back below 10k then maybe, but you’re having to outlay some serious real money, money that would be better invested.

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Yeah, that’s pretty much what I’d decided. not the right time to be jumping on the Springfield Monorail.

Each time there is a bitcoin transaction, the information goes into the blockchain. The idea being this is an unbreakable, unfraudable :wink: , system of tracking who owns what that is decentralised from any financial system, but rather feeds through the whole system. But as you have more and more bitcoins, and each one has a longer and longer history of transactions built into its blockchain, the information being passed around for each transaction is getting bigger and bigger. And because the same information is sent to lots and lots of members of the system (for security), it gets bigger and bigger for everyone. And consumes more energy.

That’s my layman’s understanding anyway.