Blitz constantly crashing my IE9

Work computer, so have no control over the browser unfortunately. The current website is constantly freezing my browser, and leaving me with an option to “recover webpage”. Does anyone have any ideas? It’s rendered Blitz just about useless.

The answer is in your question.

Work computer, so have no control over the browser unfortunately. The current website is constantly freezing my browser, and leaving me with an option to "recover webpage". Does anyone have any ideas? It's rendered Blitz just about useless.

I used IE9 for about an hour last week.

I got that error on every single page I visited.

You say work comp, so I’m not sure this is the problem, but I’ve been having dramas for ages with browsers of all stripes.

Ran “HITMAN” virus seeker software yesterday, & it found a shitload of stuff I was unaware of via my regular anti virus.

Comps now running like a dream.

Have you tried it in a few different browsers?

IE9 constantly crashing my Blitz


Get back to work / use your phone

I am unaware of any issues with IE9, guessing they’re related to something else on your network.

Using IE9 and posting fine. Although it did crash the program I use for work. LOL IE9.

You can often install Chrome even without admin permissions.
We are that lucky that we’re on about ie 7 on our XP environment. If I didn’t have chrome I would’ve burnt the whole network down by now.

Have you tried updating adobe?

You can often install Chrome even without admin permissions. We are that lucky that we're on about ie 7 on our XP environment. If I didn't have chrome I would've burnt the whole network down by now.

Indeed, it would seem that you can!! And that has fixed the issue - thank you kind sir. We’ll see how long Chrome stays on my computer though, before the IT Nazis have it removed…

I’m certainly no IT guru, but it seems to me the ad banner and IE9 have major compatability issues. The page will load up to the ad banner and then… nada. Roughly 8 times from 10.