BomberBlitz Virtual Cricket League - Season 5 begins!

Team A - Pimpinio Tigers
Team B - Conargo Bulls
Team C - Cooked Pelicans
Team D - Barnestoneworth United

Here’s the last five overs of round 1.

Boundary for the win on the last ball!
Go fetch that, Conargo!

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I’ve just sacked my entire bowling attack

Wtf was that in the last 3 overs and only took 3 wickets compared to 7.

■■■■■■■ Pelicans

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Rightly so.
You took four wickets for the game?
I lost three in the fifth over!

Friggin’ carnage over at Pelican Park.

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1/91 in the 2nd half!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Ladder Round 1
Team A 1
Team B 0
Team C 0
Team D 1

Round 2 (Decided thirds is better. 4 x 4 x 2).

Third 1.

Bowling more pies than the pie thread

Round 2.

Third 2.

Could go either way here against United.

lol Pelicans are trash.

Like real sport some games are better than others.

Ladder Round 1 Round 2
Team A 1 0
Team B 0 0
Team C 0 1
Team D 1 1


Come at me

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I’ll see you in the finawwwwwwwwwwwww…

Round 3.

Third 1.

Boist mode.
Thanks for firing us up, Scotty.

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Round 3.

Third 2.


Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty.

Round 3.

Final Results.