Bored and did a thing

How annoying.


\ 90x90 \ 90x90

wimmera1 pushes SplitRound in the lava.


You really didn’t sell this concept well in the OP.


Watch it get 100 posts though.

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

\ 90x90

Henry’s Angry Pills gathers as much food as he can.

\ 90x90

Hoffy breaks wimmera1 's nose for a basket of bread.

\ 90x90

simmo41 snatches a pair of sais.

\ 90x90

OBITV runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

choppsuey runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

jonovdp grabs a jar of fishing bait while Benny40 gets fishing gear.

\ 90x90

Stallion runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

Glu finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

\ 90x90

frosty grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

\ 90x90

Humble Minion and Drapersmullet fight for a bag. Drapersmullet strangles Humble Minion with the straps and runs.

\ 90x90

THE DON1 runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

SplitRound runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

barry day runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

SMJ grabs a jar of fishing bait while bigallan gets fishing gear.

\ 90x90

Paul Peos stays at the cornucopia for resources.

\ 90x90

theDJR runs away from the Cornucopia.

\ 90x90

Klawdy finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.

\ 90x90

Chris 1993 grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

\ 90x90

StabbytheRabbit runs away from the Cornucopia.

Hunger Games

Day 1

\ 90x90

choppsuey receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

frosty fishes.

\ 90x90

Hoffy searches for a water source.

\ 90x90

Stallion tends to StabbytheRabbit 's wounds.

\ 90x90

SplitRound questions his sanity.

\ 90x90

wimmera1 receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Benny40 tries to sleep through the entire day.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 , Paul Peos , and theDJR hunt for other tributes.

\ 90x90

barry day receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Klawdy injures himself.

\ 90x90

bigallan collects fruit from a tree.

\ 90x90

THE DON1 scares SMJ off.

\ 90x90

Glu receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Drapersmullet receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Chris 1993 is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

\ 90x90

Henry’s Angry Pills is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

\ 90x90

simmo41 scares jonovdp off.

\ 90x90

OBITV searches for a water source.

Fallen Tributes 1

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

\ 90x90

Humble Minion

District 11

\ 90x90

Klawdy finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.

His dad must have sent it to him.


Night 1

\ 90x90

choppsuey destroys StabbytheRabbit 's supplies while he is asleep.

\ 90x90

Glu receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

OBITV , Hoffy , SplitRound , and frosty sleep in shifts.

\ 90x90

jonovdp attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

\ 90x90

SMJ attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

\ 90x90

wimmera1 lets Chris 1993 into his shelter.

\ 90x90

simmo41 thinks about winning.

\ 90x90

THE DON1 destroys Stallion 's supplies while he is asleep.

\ 90x90

barry day sees a fire, but stays hidden.

\ 90x90

Klawdy receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

theDJR is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 , bigallan , Henry’s Angry Pills , and Drapersmullet tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

\ 90x90

Paul Peos receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Benny40 loses sight of where he is.

1 Like


1 Like

Day 2

\ 90x90

bigallan picks flowers.

\ 90x90

Hoffy makes a slingshot.

\ 90x90

Chris 1993 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

Klawdy , Paul Peos , wimmera1 , SplitRound , and SMJ hunt for other tributes.

\ 90x90

simmo41 chases Stallion .

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

Glu overhears Henry’s Angry Pills and StabbytheRabbit talking in the distance.

\ 90x90

choppsuey picks flowers.

\ 90x90

OBITV receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Drapersmullet tends to theDJR 's wounds.

\ 90x90

Benny40 picks flowers.

\ 90x90

jonovdp stalks frosty .

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 and barry day track down and kill THE DON1 .

Fallen Tributes 2

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

\ 90x90


District 9

Nobody has died yet!

Wait the Don just did, Fark right before the draft too.


I don’t have a single solitary clue of what this thread is… But, I like it.


Night 2

\ 90x90

OBITV 's trap kills Chris 1993 .

\ 90x90

barry day cooks his food before putting his fire out.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

theDJR , frosty , Henry’s Angry Pills , and bigallan sleep in shifts.

\ 90x90

jonovdp tries to treat his infection.

\ 90x90

Drapersmullet tracks down and kills simmo41 .

\ 90x90

Stallion attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90 \ 90x90

SMJ , Alan Noonan 10 , Klawdy , and StabbytheRabbit sleep in shifts.

\ 90x90

wimmera1 lets Benny40 into his shelter.

\ 90x90

Paul Peos screams for help.

\ 90x90

Glu looks at the night sky.

\ 90x90

Hoffy and SplitRound hold hands.

\ 90x90

choppsuey starts a fire.

Day 3

\ 90x90

OBITV injures himself.

\ 90x90

jonovdp hunts for other tributes.

\ 90x90

theDJR tries to sleep through the entire day.

\ 90x90

SplitRound picks flowers.

\ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 travels to higher ground.

\ 90x90

StabbytheRabbit injures himself.

\ 90x90

SMJ receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Glu defeats wimmera1 in a fight, but spares his life.

\ 90x90

Hoffy sets an explosive off, killing choppsuey .

\ 90x90

barry day receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

Stallion and Benny40 hunt for other tributes.

\ 90x90

Klawdy diverts Drapersmullet 's attention and runs away.

\ 90x90

frosty camouflauges himself in the bushes.

\ 90x90

Paul Peos makes a slingshot.

\ 90x90

Henry’s Angry Pills camouflauges himself in the bushes.

\ 90x90

bigallan receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

I have no clue what is going on! Is it hunger games but with blitz people?


Arena Event

A volcano erupts at the center of the arena.

\ 90x90

Stallion suffocates.

\ 90x90

frosty survives.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90

As SMJ trips over Henry’s Angry Pills into the lava, he grabs him and pulls him down with him.

\ 90x90

StabbytheRabbit survives.

\ 90x90

Glu survives.

\ 90x90

Klawdy survives.

\ 90x90

theDJR survives.

\ 90x90

Hoffy survives.

\ 90x90

barry day is buried in ash.

\ 90x90

Paul Peos survives.

\ 90x90

Benny40 survives.

\ 90x90 \ 90x90

wimmera1 pushes SplitRound in the lava.

\ 90x90

jonovdp is buried in ash.

\ 90x90

bigallan survives.

\ 90x90

Drapersmullet survives.

\ 90x90

OBITV survives.

\ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10 is buried in ash.

Noonan is old enough to be ash

1 Like

10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

\ 90x90

Chris 1993

District 5

\ 90x90


District 10

\ 90x90


District 6

\ 90x90


District 6

\ 90x90


District 3

\ 90x90

Henry’s Angry Pills

District 7

\ 90x90

barry day

District 3

\ 90x90


District 12

\ 90x90


District 11

\ 90x90

Alan Noonan 10

District 12

Dirty old man hiding in the bushes.

Night 3

\ 90x90

Benny40 and Paul Peos sleep in shifts.

\ 90x90

theDJR attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

\ 90x90

bigallan receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

\ 90x90

frosty thinks about home.

\ 90x90

Drapersmullet passes out from exhaustion.

\ 90x90

Hoffy begs for StabbytheRabbit to kill him. He refuses, keeping Hoffy alive.

\ 90x90

Glu destroys OBITV 's supplies while he is asleep.

\ 90x90

Klawdy thinks about home.

\ 90x90

wimmera1 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Well it was appearing random, but this one seems deliberate :joy: