
Reckon you should read this website

As many have said, when a fire take off and the conditions are right, not even Marvels Superheroes would make a difference.

When LA and America finally fought back…
Brentwood is, lets say a rather nice neighbourhood.

The firefighters must be absolutely knackered.
Its not over yet though.

For sure, would make no difference. It’s just weird that there are firefighters employed by insurance companies with different goals and objectives than the broader firefighting group, that are operating out there.

I was really surprised how much of the US was fractured along county lines. Different police forces, different fire agencies. Bus services only operating within a county, avoiding the town next door. Very dysfunctional.

They have something called mutual aid, where each agency supports the others and gets financial compensation. It seems to work reasonably well, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s coordination problems.

As for private fire brigades funded by insurance companies, it really depends on who controls those resources. Victoria has a lot of private forestry fire brigades, but they work under direction of the CFA during large fires.

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Interesting video interview with Gavin Newsom, that contradicts some alternative facts posted earlier in the thread. TLDW some key takeaways (stats about 8 1/2 mins in);

  • had to waste time and set up a website to combat lies from Musk and Trump;
  • increased budget on fuel reduction etc from $200M by adding $2.5B and then another $1.2B;
  • had prepositioned for 120 fire tankers to be onsite prior to the fire starting from northern cal firefighters and national guard in preparation.
  • 99 mph winds driving the fire, and southern cal being the driest since 1850.

Hall’s Gap is on Leave Now alert again, fire at Boroka Lookout which is very close to town.

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Sad news


I don’t think the actual town has been told to leave, just to be aware

Southerly winds coming through so considering Boroka is northwest of the town they might be ok

My folks were at their holiday house checking to see how everything was this weekend. Dad was outside in the driveway about 11pm, as he does with sleeping issues…, and he saw this fire start. Mum rang it in straight away. Apparently 2 other callers called it in at the same time.
Seems like it was deliberately lit. Weather was clear.
You’d have to be a special sort of ■■■■■■■ to deliberately light fires.

A second fire kicked off ahortly after in the Victoria Valley. Maybe the same person heading from Boroka out that way.


This Watch and Act message is being issued for Boroka Track, west of Halls Gap.

  • The bushfire that started at Boroka Track, Grampians National Park is not yet under control.
  • The spread of the bushfire has slowed for now, but the situation can change at any time. You must monitor conditions and be ready to act.
  • It is not safe to return to the Boroka Track area.
  • Aircraft may be seen or heard working on this fire during the night.
  • There is currently no threat to Halls Gap township.
  • This Watch and Act replaces the Watch and Act issued at 12:52pm Monday 20 January.

The threat is reduced, but the situation can change at any time. You must monitor conditions and be ready to act.

Currently in Halls Gap. The fire was on the range above the caravan park we’re in. It started last night -apparently near the fire tower on the range and someone has kicked the fire over the edge and it spread through the bush below. They fought it last night at the site - not sure how as it was dark but you could see their lights. Then this morning they started water bombing and have reduced it to smouldering smoke. There are also rumours of accelerant being found near the fire. Would
like to see people who start fires on purpose dealt with the same way.


So I’m sitting at the campsite last night and the days been a hot one and now the wind is picking up with a lot of heavy gusts.

Two girls - in their 20’s walk up and ask if I’ve got any matches or a lighter. I ask them what for and they tell me they’ve just arrived and they want to start their camp fire.

Just stunned.


Ohh, this can go straight to the what annoys you thread.

Campfires when they are absolutely not needed, or when the conditions clearly go against having them, and just done for the sake of having a fire. Does my fkn head in when camping.

It’s the best way to keep the mossies away :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not good…

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Not good at all.

Like in a camp ground when someone has a $200,000 motorhome, but wants to boil their billy on an open flame with green wood.


Bushfire at Bullengarook, Gisborne on Watch and Act. Now a grassfire near Whittlesea

Cradle mountain and the whole area around Lake Will is going to burn tonight. Hardly a a damn word of it in the vic media.

This isn’t the sort of bushland that expects to burn, that recovers quickly and has seedlings spring up from burnt ground. Those pencil pines etc will be dead, forever. Anyone saying ‘oh, fires are just a natural part of the bush’ about this is full of ■■■■.