Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

True. It’s not as if any Australian politicians ever think for themselves. Just US lackeys

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I hope you are correct. Doubt it though if other statements on climate change are anything to go by.

Irresponsible, greedy, selfish, ignorant, anti-science vandals.

The US has invaded countries for less. There should be sanctions against them, but no doubt we will ‘respect their independence’.

I despair for humanity some days. Bring on the World Government.

Better to have no Government.

Anarchy is the purest form for society.

So as far as I know, that brings the number of countries outside the Paris accord to 3. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria. And I think I read somewhere that Nicaragua didn’t sign on because they reckoned the Paris accords didn’t go far enough.

That’s some interesting company to be keeping.

… for the 5 minutes it lasts before a bunch of heavily armed scumbags who don’t give a ■■■■ about pure societies turn it into despotism.


Sadly probably very true.

The best example was the Paris Commune a long time ago, and you are correct it worked for a short time, but human nature took over and it all fell apart.

I could imagine a Blitz Anarchists Group, then TripEss, Mr Wolf, and sorfed et al would make it all about them.

The US produce 18% of the ■■■■■ that pollutes our air and is killing our planet, and now they will not take any responsibility for their actions. We are probably next to follow.

Nup. Not even Boneless & co are that stupid.

That flag would never fly here.

Agreed. Standard Lib climate change tactics are to pretend to care while putting in place utterly ineffective policies and exploiting loopholes in agreements in order to do as little as possible. And it’s worked fine for them so far, unless if course you’re one of those weirdoes who thinks that avoiding a global biosphere collapse is kinda important.

I hope you you wake up

Evil Trump follows 3 other top polluters China Russia and India.
Does nothing on Climate Change

Again, plant food.

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I just worked it out.

Sorfed is a Triffid!!

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I gave up hope for climate change action about a decade ago, because it is such an immense task, requiring significant sacrifices in our current lifestyle, with free-rider vulnerability, and this inherent characteristic of humanity:


What, no comment or criticism of the largest polluters on the planet?
Nothing to say about China with 28% of emissions being able to increase emissions by 50% over the next 13 years.
India by up to 100% increase.
And then there is Russia, poster child on environmentalism.

You need to stop saying that, if makes you look like an imbecile

You’re right, … so likely not a Triffid, … way too sentient, … Ficus??

As you have made the same vague and non specific remark on a number occasions so I am assuming you are talking about my reference to plant food.

In case you are, here is a lesson that is taught in primary school, perhaps you missed it.

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And as I have explained repeatedly in this thread, and you have repeatedly ignored, the real situation with plant growth and global warming is considerably more complex and much less optimistic. Maybe you should make an attempt to advance your level of knowledge BEYOND ‘what you were taught in primary school’, hmm?


Seriously, why do you waste your time?
The guy is wilfully infantile and antagonistic.
Primary school is his natural level.


You don’t realise how an ecosystem works do you?

Ok sorfed, you want to believe that increased CO2 is good for long term food security, go right ahead. But you’re the definition of keyboard peanut

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