Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

Regardless of whether we should be building the mine and wrecking the reef inter al, I wouldn’t mind seeing the colour of their money first, and seeing that it doesn’t disappear into the mirage of a tax haven.

There are some groups of people that life experience has told me not to trust.

was -4 on saturday my mums water pipes burst, but it was only for the garden sprinkler system so not a big deal.

Solar hot water isn’t good.

Much more efficient these days to put in the electricity type panel and put in an electric hot water system.

If I had the choice now (which I don’t) that’s what I’d do.

That’s what you get for being a garden watering greeny.

Thats what i did, investigated solar water, realised payback period was a really long time so got solar panels. I make more power than i use with the panels, but didnt get enough as still have a small power bill :frowning: if I had a battery then my use would be negligible.Will get more panels when its a good time to get the battery.

It’s that daily charge that makes the bill harder to get to zero!

That was my experience.
Went in 1993, awesome.
Went again around 2010? Really disappointing.
The west coast reefs I’d seen were smaller, obv, but better.
Having said that, the Barrier Reef is massive, so maybe it’s not all as damaged as I’d seen. But it did make me wonder about this whole ‘protect the reef’ thing.
It’s kinda already munted.

I’ve been three times in the last two years and sections that has colour 2 years ago are dead 2 months ago.

It’s more about preserving what’s left at this stage

A lot of the denial brigade are already into the “it’s too late, don’t worry about it.” argument phase, like they will be with everything else as it unfolds.

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Rick Leck, WWF-Australia [email protected] via
3 Jul (1 day ago)

to me

Dear BSD,

At the very heart of the Great Barrier Reef lies the world-famous Heart Reef. With the impacts of coral bleaching, followed by the fury of Cyclone Debbie, we were worried this iconic part of the Reef may not have survived. So, last week we set out to check-up on the Heart and the surrounding reef.

Watch the Video here

There was good news and bad news.

Just 18 km away from Heart Reef, parts of Bait Reef had been completely destroyed. Sadly, we also found evidence of coral bleaching on Heart Reef - a reminder that no part of the Reef is immune to the impacts of climate change.

But, there is good news. We found plenty of marine life and still-healthy coral on and near Heart Reef. And where there is life, there is hope.

This week, the World Heritage Committee meets in Poland and the Great Barrier Reef is on the agenda. We need to ask your help once again to get the message across that the time for the Australian Government to take strong action to rescue the Reef is now.

Please sign and share this global petition to Make Your Mark for the Reef.


Thank you,

Rick Leck

Head of Oceans, WWF-Australia

P.S. Tell your friends that the heart of the Reef still beats, but urgently needs their help.

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What a load of crap. So how did the forests look 4.6 billion years ago? How did they look over the last ice age?

If someone said the forests all died last ice age, would you be ok with them all dying again now to prove its cyclical?

Germination of rain forrests started 400 million years ago. But also taking into account that earth needed to create the soil and atmosphere capable of germination. Tropical Rain forrests covered the world 360 million years ago.

Many communities of species were destroyed during the Ice Age, many communities survived, and many re-adapted during the evolutionary process.

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I’d be interested to know which investments of @werewolf 's will take a hit if the country acts upon caring and nurturing the natural environment.

They’re taking it all very personally.

Don’t underestimate the instinct of “someone’s trying to take my stuff” any time world views are slightly challenged.

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Every second, 2 football fields worth of rainforest are lost.

Via Lynn Hasselberger
on Jun 21, 2010 314 Shares

64 acres of rainforest are being destroyed per minute… 2.8 million acres per month.

Rainforests cover only 2% of the Earth’s surface, yet house 2/3 of all living species on the planet.

70% of the 3000 plants identified as active against cancer cells by the US National Cancer Institute are found in the rain forest. Nearly half the medicine compounds we use every day come from plants endemic to the tropical rainforest.

More rainforest facts…

… Rainforests are critical in maintaining the Earth’s limited supply of drinking and fresh water.

… Almost half of the world’s original 4 billion acres of rainforest are now gone. The area lost equals the combined size of Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada and Arizona.

… By conservative estimates, 9,000 species are going extinct each year, most of them from the rainforests.

… We are presently experiencing the largest mass extinction since the demise of the dinosaurs… only this time it’s occurring at a much faster rate.

… rainforests in Equador are home to “the other oil disaster.”

Some minor collateral damage in the quest to appear to be doing something.
I assume the lawyers and public servants in Glebe and Newtown are coping though.

The situation has become so dire that 77 per cent of low-income NSW households are going without heating in a bid to reduce their onerous power bills, new research from the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) shows. And one in three low-income earners have been forced to stop using hot water for bathing to pay for energy bills.

I read somewhere that due to the lack of solar activity the Earth is entering another mini ice age.

Given the lies that both aides of the climate change debate have spread, is the ice age thing true and if it is, does this change anything

I thought it was supposed to be getting hotter. I wish these people would make their minds up.