Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

No, I’m pretty sure you said:

“I would argue nobody wants it save for rich white lefties or students that still live with their parents who can afford any power price hike.”

Nice attempted dodge though.

Abd what’s that got to do with some conspiracy theory that Finkel is a Green/Labor plant?

I’ll give you the answer. Nothing.
You just made something up and hen attributed me to it as if it was fact.

Primary school science is a Marxist conspiracy to take money from the poor.

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LOL- I’ll take your musings with a grain of salt given your bizarre conviction that the latest terror attacks were some diabolical plot to not allow the left to win power in the UK and France.

And you’re lecturing me. Laughable really.

Battler and employer power bills up 100% since Carbon tax axed.


Back to the topic without being interrupted by the usual nuffies.

I’m not even sure why the Libera Party are discussing it.

  1. Nobody really cares.
  2. Whatever they propose Labor and the Greens will vote against it anyway.

On that basis, it would be more constructive to look at other issues where things could be done to make a difference/

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And you are the intellectual newt who accepts the basic science that fossil fuels cause warming, but can’t take the next logical step that reducing the cause will reduce the effect.

And, once again since you persist in raising it - I accepted I was likely wrong re. the UK terror attacks being linked to the election. It would also serve you well to have the flexibility of mind to accept you are wrong on subjects such as CC where you make a fool of yourself on a daily basis.

Did you mean Labia party? Way more accurate TBH.)

Bears repeating.

Brought to you by the LIEberal Party bullshit artists.

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Yes, but lamb roasts are still reasonably priced.


You ranted about lefties and the report and then directly afterwards went on about Labor and the Greens sacrificing poor people in some political power play. Then you backtracked in your next post and said you were talking about how they didn’t think it went far enough (which wasn’t what you were talking about at all in the previous post). I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at how confused you sound.

The problem is that some countries have reduced the ‘cause’ and yet the effect has not changed.

Therefore the proposed solution does not appear to be working. I don’t think it’s that hard to understand personally.

Effectively we are trying to put a band-aid on a burst artery and pretending to everyone that we are doing something.

Sorry sunshine- you’re the one that is confused. You are attributing something to me that only existed in your imagination (vivid as it is).

And it most probably would have been 200% if the tax had remained.

I’m not sure what level you got to in maths but as a general principle, putting a tax or tariff on something increases the cost of something. It does not reduce it.

I’m happy to hear of examples where imposing a tax reduced a goods price. Smokers and drinkers can only wish that as the case.:cry:

So you would support action that is more like open heart surgery? Do it once do it properly?

Ah so you can see how a policy impacts something even if it doesn’t totally reverse/solve the issue. Good to know.

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Once again, fossil fuel emissions have been increasing globally until the last couple of years, so of course ‘the proposed solution does not appear to be working’.

And the next reasonable question remains - to what extent, and over what period of time, do we need to reduce the cause to have an impact on the effect?

Not reallly. Adelaide power prices are amongst the highest in the western world. Has anything changed in terms of climate impact? Nup.

I have no idea. My personal opinion is that humans cannot stop the weather so trying to do so is an exercise in futility.

I am also optimistic that humans will adapt as they have done so for thousands of years. We have survived hundreds of ‘this is the end of the world’ events. This is just another one that in 20-30 years from now we will be looking back to in amusement.

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