Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

Particularly the ones who want to protest for a better future when their Mum drives an SUV

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Can’t blame kids for parents choices


Attention @benfti.

Check if Tripper hacked your account.


Living Toowoomba, working for Apple, life pressure break even the best at times.

It was a play on what someone said in the politics thread complaining about the kids protesting didn’t have any weight if their parents were not climate conscious

Yeah sure, we understand and as always accept everything you say.

This might be of interest to all the proponents of wind power.

Wind is variable and has different variability depending on location.

Damn the engineers really should have thought of that.


Wow, sorfed suddenly believes in computer models, who’d’ve thunk it?


Only when they fit his narrative

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It’s not new but it’s a neat site. Looked at it last week and there was a huge clockwise spiral around, very roughly, the Broken Hill area. This explained why we had the unusual scenario of rain in Melbourne coming from the east.

That is actual data, NOT a computer model, don’t you know the difference?
Computer models used by the alarmists are programmed to give the desired results using carefully selected data and if the results don’t match the desired outcome they alter the program or fudge the data.
That is why the past temperature in graphs generated by NASA (well GISS) change every time an IPCC report comes out.

Could swear your link says forecast by supercomputers.

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In Merimbula, Bega, we have just had a hail the size of golf balls, thunder and lightning show which caused millions of dollars worth of damage - one week out from Christmas in the middle of summer.
Most of the tradies are on holidays, the SES just throw a tarp over and tape it up, until everything can be fixed and back to normal, back to sleep until second week in January.

“as forecast by super computers…” Is what is says sorfo.

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I think we all know that wind doesn’t blow everywhere, all the time, and in set amounts. That’s why it’s a supplementary source of power.

Those pesky scientists are at it again…

" fire danger, extreme heat days, ocean temperatures, ocean acidity and heavy rainfall all up."

We need sorfed to explain away this alarming graph:

So I was reading 90% of recyclable pastic isn’t recycled.
Why cant the government regulators force industries to sell product in certain forms.
could start with milk industry in Australia
only allow milk to be sold in cartons or glass bottles only. Think about how much plastic is taken away just from this industry only. Everyone in australia goes through a few litres of milk a week.
Then could look at cordials/soft drinks/Water - glass bottles only. might stop all the wankers buying bottled water, and then they can take some from home.
Jam - should be Glass, back in the day we used to eat jam and the container would turn into a glass we could use, now you get plastic crap you throw out/recycle.

Cafe / Coffee industry - remove the lids and sell coffee in bigger cups, but dont fill to the top. The amount of wankers you see getting disposable coffee cups in the morning. Should be encouraging people to drink in store.
so maybe a surcharge on take away drinks?
McDonalds - so much waste is created there when people eat in. Surely there is something they could do to make it better…ie could even have recycle and litter bins?

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Heh. The 32 papers that have come up as disagreeing with anthropogenic climate change over the last 30 years were all repeated. That’s the 3% from whence the 97% consensus figure comes from. They were all found to have bias errors. Didn’t pass the repetition test once. None of them. Gee, I guess that’s why no new ideas have taken the scientific world by storm.