Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

“Don’t panic!!, as a privileged,western, middle class bloke with reliable internet and real estate above sea-level, I am comfortable in dismissing anthropogenic climate change as a well rehearsed ruse by climate scientists! After all, not much will happen in our lifetime anyway!”


I find it hard to comprehend how people like you & others of your ilk think sorfed.

Even if climate predictions are only a 50/50 chance of being real, … then with 97% of climate scientists saying so, in varying degrees, even if their predictions sometimes are screwed up by the occasional anomaly, you’d have to be a complete fkn halfwit not to think, well, we best do something about it, just in case it is, because if it is, the consequences are unthinkable, … particularly if you have kids.

Especially when the ways & means to minimise that risk are sitting right in front of you, … ways & means, which once the outlay is made, is not only non polluting, but also free.

Why would anyone fight to keep burning dirty Coal in that scenario??

Do you have a vested interest?? It’s the only thing that could explain it.

If not, then I just cannot u/stand the stance.


simple really.

Same reason why some barrack for Fark Carlton; no shame, no pride, no brain.

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Even the best scientists get things wrong.

Four Things Einstein Got Wrong
Alex Santoso • Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 11:54 AM

  1. God Throws Dice.

Einstein was one of the founders of quantum mechanics. His explanation of the photoelectric effect showed that light itself is quantized, and it was this work that won him his Nobel in 1921 (He didn’t get it for relativity, which was more controversial.) Yet as quantum mechanics developed, he refused to believe what became a central tenet: that all events could be described only in terms of probability. Einstein summarized this by his famous statement, “God does not throw dice.” According to quantum mechanics, two absolutely identical radioactive atoms will probably decay at different times. Einstein believed that there must be something hidden inside the nucleus, a hidden variable that was different for the two. Very sensitive statistical tests performed by experimentalists have shown that he was wrong. There aren’t any hidden variables, at least not the simple kind.

  1. Hubble Trouble

When Einstein developed his theory of gravitation, usually called general relativity, he found a problem. The universe, which he thought was static, could not be static according to his equations. Instead of predicting that the universe was changing, he modified his equations to introduce a cosmological constant that would support his theory. When physicist Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was not static but was expanding, Einstein called his cosmological constant “the greatest mistake of my life”.

  1. Constant Hassles

Einstein effectively abandoned his cosmological constant when he learned of Hubble’s discoveries. Ironically, calling this a mistake made for the second greatest mistake of his life! In the late 1990s Saul Perlmutter and his group at Berkeley discovered that the cosmological constant was not zero but was causing the universe to accelerate. Their result was soon confirmed by another group. So, had Einstein stuck to his guns, he could have been given credit for predicting one of the great scientific findings of the last 10 years - the accelerating universe.

  1. A Field Day with Field Theory

Einstein spent the latter decades of his life trying to find a unified field theory that would illuminate a connection between gravity and electricity. In 1920, when he was in his forties, he decided to devote his career to unifying the theories of gravity and electromagnetism. He was so far ahead of his time that his major effort in this problem was doomed to failure. Although his work is full of mathematical insights, Einstein passed away before realizing his error. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, physicists Steven Weinberg, Abdus Salam, and Sheldon Glashow (and others) finally succeeded where Einstein couldn’t - in unifying electromagnetism with the weak force - not the gravitational force that Einstein had worked on. The weak force is the force that makes for most radioactivity. It wasn’t even known at the time Einstein began his work, so he couldn’t have guessed that he was unifying the wrong forces.

It’s all a massive fraud. Global temperatures are not increasing year after year. There is no record melt at both poles. The glaciers aren’t retreating. The barrier reef is not bleaching. All scientists are on the payroll of the Chinese who invented AGW to steal our jobs.


You are definitely full of ■■■■. Reliable Internet? Very funny.

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Science is all about getting it wrong.

We evolve with a theory usually based on observation and then undertake experiment and research to prove the theory, often Discovering other things along the way.

I could cite many PhD dissertations that started with a question to prove and ended up winning the doctorate by proving the opposite, through good research and well reasoned thinking.

And to be far to Einstein, genius that he was, all his maths and computation were done on a blackboard from his and his colleagues brainpower. They didn’t have the University or NASA Kray Computers to use or a Hubble Telescope or a Large whirlygig in Switzerland to play with.


It’s a bit disingenuous saying modern scientist aren’t using their brains because of their tools.

I didn’t know those Kray brothers built supercomputers, either.

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Where did I say that.

Today we use modern tools, but you still have to know how to use them.

The great scientists of the past like Einstein, would even be greater today with Kray computer.

Climate scientists making themselves rich with dishonest money while coal and oil barons try to eek out an existence.


Remember when sorfed came in here just asking questions? Haha.

That is how Trolls start.

Didn’t someone predict we’d all be dead by now from nuclear winter? Just goes to show nukes either aren’t real or aren’t as dangerous as everyone makes them out to be.


Said it before and I’ll say it again - for the bugeoning leftist PC group: Troll = Someone who says something that I don’t like and I find this very challenging.


How amusing.

A troll is someone like yourself, though I am not sure if you are one or two people, who seeks to disrupt discussion by your fallacious comment. Your one track mind that depicts everyone in terms of Right or Left, then acts the victim when your only intent is to dispute and ridicule.

I do not find you challenging at all.


My one track mind - Ever looked in the mirror?

It’s pretty clear that you find myself and anyone outside of your leftist/Labour bubble incredibly challenging if not maddening.

Talk about the topic or ■■■■ back off under your bridge, troll.


To say that the question of climate change is massively important, really understates it. And there is conclusive evidence that proves that mankind has effected changes in climate due to its actions, mostly in burning fossil fuels, but also to it’s destruction of forest, waterways and generally not giving much concern to the effects.

Now I am no Greenie, and I would rather build jobs than Windfarms and as a supplier to mining and coal industry I have a vested interest in it continuing. But I do not deny what is really happening

But you Mr Wolf and Sorfed and Trip/ Ess have continued to push denial and then blame Labor Governments for power disruptions. Most of us, so called Leftist in your view have been more balanced and can rightly criticize both major Parties for poor environmental policy and lack of foresight in terms of power generation. When you get past the rhetoric, it is a massive Fark up.

There is no denying that we need to have renewable energy, and the stupidity of your responses with your mates with regards to wind energy in SA, has either been there to dispute, or you are as stupid as PHON.

All that said, you are not challenging or maddening, at times frustrating, but we do recognise that some Bomber supporters do have low IQs and are better ignored.



Deluded troll thinks we find him & his BS “Challenging”

… actually think he’s “Challenged”.