COVID-19 - politics, blame and point scoring goes here

You mean Senator Antic ? He is a Liberal, why attack Marshall ?

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The LNP Senator who threatened to cross the floor if his Government mandates vax?
Doesn’t believe in discrimination against unvaxed, but have not noticed him getting vocal about the Fed no jab no play in denial of Centrelink benefits for unvaxed children.

  • or for the agreement at NatCab level for mandatory vax for Aged Care workers.

God bothering stooge upset that Marshall and his moderates have cleaned out his conservative mates. The religious right folk in SA are always trying to destabilise the government

Same with Liberals here in Victoria.

Article on who is behind some of the anti vax campaigns


Found out by a whois search, how dumb have to be

Does anyone else think that a lot of those people at the protests who they keep saying are pro choice are really just unvaxxed folk trying to make it sound like the rest of us are in favour of their choices? Or have I just become cynical?


That’s exactly what it is.

Dress up an unreasonable ideological position with reasonable-sounding language is almost the feature of the far right.


Maybe, but it is hard to understand why they will not get vaxxed.

Are there is many really stupid people in the world. Even 5% is significant.

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Yeah, I’m just struggling to believe there would be many people who willingly got the vax before any mandates came about would be out and about there now sticking up for those who don’t want to get it.

The constant comparison of the proposed laws to NSW is meaningless. It doesn’t make the proposed laws inherently good, or bad.

“Well, we beat the 18th team.”

“Yeah, but we’re still 17th ourselves”.

And the “subject to more scrutiny” could be very Yes, Minister-ish drivel if the scrutiny is actually powerless to change anything.


The influenza bit seems very very weird. Is this real?

There is relevance when reference is made to powers that would take the State to a dictatorship , in circumstances where there are more constraints on the exercise of powers ( including the Charter of Human Right, greater surveillance plus mandatory disclosure of health advice and the capacity for some Parliamentary disallowance.

Is Guzz Chris Kenny?

As a leftie, I wish we were as awesome as we are in the minds of conservatives.


I have a good friend who has been lost down the rabbit hole. Very sad.

His illogical ravings are borderline demented. Illogical. Deluded.

There is one thread that government can’t tell him what to do
Then there is another about the terrors of the actual vaccine
Then there is the fake information upon which the above are based

Sometimes they intermingle into an omelette of illogical demented hysteria.

For a well educated decent bloke, very successful in business, this is weird. His brain has turned to mush.

There are a number of people in Dubbo that have quit their jobs rather than get the jab. At 95%+ double jabbed of the adults it’s hard to hide now. Not sure what becomes of them, being unable to work or have recreational activities due to their Freedoms…they are also getting very bitter watching us jabbed up people live the dream.

It’s to this population that Morrison the liar is speaking to. It’s just feeding their delusion and aggression.

Nothing good will come from this.

Unfortunately I predict more violence and anger and I blame Morrison the liar for this. He needs to shut this down. Now.

I could be wrong.


We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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Yes, it’s a not uncommon cause of death in the elderly. In the last pre-covid year there were 1080 flu deaths in Australia (ABS figures).