COVID-19 Round 19 - Stick a Forklift in it

And the cruise ship season is just ramping up.


We so need a better vaccine that’s more effective.

I wanna do a BBBBQ dammit!

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My wife caught Covid on a cruise ship early this year. I followed with the virus a few days later.
We were not allowed to leave the ship in Melbourne with other passengers.
On leaving the ship with quite a lot of other sufferers we were taken to a Queue for a special bus.
There were a big number of passengers in this line-up.
In fairness to the cruise line they did supply my wife with anti-virals which must have cost them almost as much as we paid for the passage.


New vaccines available to target the current variants, available 11th December onwards.

Pfizer’s monovalent XBB.1.5 vaccine will be available for use in eligible people aged 5 years and older, while the Moderna monovalent XBB.1.5 vaccine can be used for those aged 12 years and older. You can check your eligibility here.

Providers can order this new vaccine, with doses being delivered ready to administer from 11 December 2023. Sites that receive their orders earlier than this date can commence administration as soon as they receive them.


Son went to Perth to see Coldplay. Came home with Covid. Sigh…. Would have been happy for him to just bring back a t-shirt.


just have the BBQ mate.

Life’s too short not to enjoy some of it.

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Stay safe blitzers.


Reckon the new variant has hit East Gippsland as we’ve had a few at work say their most recent infection has been their worst.

Same in Singapore. Lot’s of people I work with are sick with COVID and saying it’s worse than previous infections. More people are wearing masks and working from home to avoid this new variant.

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My elderly mother just got diagnosed with COVID in Bairnsdale Hospital. A day before she was meant to be transferred to respite in Geelong.

By younger do they mean 80-90 instead of 90-100?

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The headline (tweet content?) misrepresents the actual data. The 60% figure is from incomplete data in December.

The proportional mortality by age trends in Oct/Nov (Nov still partially incomplete) are more or less consistent with other months.


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully she gets over it quickly.


The 60% jump in a minority group of people affected by COVID can easily be skewed to create anomalies.
The data is the data and it may have been right for a small period of time, but there was no followup with the 60% drop that inevitably occurred at a later date.

That’s not to say COVID is spreading more right now and affecting people differently right now. That’s a given. And has been for the last two months.

As you say, when looking at minority stats, you need to stretch it out over a greater period of time to see the trend that ‘smooths out’ the anomalies. I have no doubt the numbers in that group are tilting towards more than less, just not 60% more.

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Maybe the headlines just a bit of fear mongering to try and reduce the amount of get togethers over the christmas period. I’m noticing a few coughs/colds, not much covid, but feels like its almost gone back to like before where p[eople are happy to turn up somewhere with a cough or cold etc, rather than stay home.

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Yep. My Mum now has a throat infection thanks to going out to lunch with some friends, and one of them turned up coughing and spluttering all over the place. Mum was really ■■■■■■ off with that, and of course got crook a few days later.

We are running at about 6% absentees here due to Covid. Number of people at our work with it would be higher IMO as many have been pushed over to subbies with no sick leave entitlements so still coming in sick.
National figures for us come out this week so be interesting to see how other states are faring

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