Drug Mules

Frayed knot.

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That blonde chic is so awesome. Her family tied selling their story for a cool mill.

is that what you’re calling your man bun these days?

If 60 minutes paid a mil they better ask some hard questions. No ppint paying a mil so they can repeat the same bs

Probably not just one story for a mil. It’ll be like the buddy deal, a story a year for 25 years.

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This gets overlooked. If she was a brown person the narrative would be remarkably different.

Her story is ridiculous. And smuggling drugs is a choice. Do you think that she considers smuggling drugs was a mistake because she did it and she shouldnt have or because she got caught.

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What if she was a pretty brown person.

Depends on the accent



Getting bent on good coke is one of life’s great experiences.


So it turns out she’s nothing more than a cheap hooker with a record of ripping people off.

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Real classy of channel 9 to break the ‘news’ that she was a sex worker. How is that relevant to anything in the story? Definitely a more honourable job that being a reporter who helps kidnapp kids.


I doubt that’s true.

With a figure like hers, I’d reckon she was relatively expensive.

And I second Mendoza’s comment…being a pro is infinitely more honourable than being a tabloid journo…at least a pro is upfront about her intentions.


I was surprised to see this on the ABC “news” this morning. So much for keeping things relevant.

S E X is a censored word ???

You can’t see any relevance? I’d say up front that I don’t know if it’s true or not. If true though it shows that she is prepared to go to a much greater stretch as to earning a dollar than most people would.
It also would show that she works in an industry very much linked with illicit drugs.
It does not make her guilty (even though I think she is guilty regardless of if she was a prostitute or not) but it does suggest something about her character.

Might also mean she found herself in a ■■■■■■ situation and forced to do certain things to get out of it.

Aside from all the tabloid BS it might be interesting to find out the backstory to this. There would literally be thousands and possibly millions of people forced into prostitution, drug smuggling and other unsavoury activities because of things beyond their control.

Oh dear.