Drug Mules

Fair enough but if her defence is going to claim she’s employed as a cleaner & that’s why she had to travel to London via Colombia then I think her actual employment becomes somewhat relevant. I don’t care if she’s a hooker, I thought her story was farcical the 1st time I heard it & was bemused she was receiving any positive publicity. It looked to me simply like a young naïve girl trying to make what she thought was easy money.

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Anyone who agrees to be a drug mule must be desperate, the reasons might vary, but to conclude that she did it because she had been a sex worker is drawing a long bow.

I was just answering your question.

I don’t think being a hooker leads to drug dealing.

However being desperate financially leads to both drug dealing and prostitution(not at same time). Not in all cases but often enough.

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No one is claiming that. What they are showing is that she is lying to people and the police. She wasn’t working for a cleaning company, she was working as an escort. The tie-in is that she may have found herself in with some people who are tied with the illegal drug trade.

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I agree except for the tie in. I don’t think whether she was a sex worker or not is relevant to what she did or didn’t do, I think it is relevant becasue it appears she has a problem with the truth.
Everyone has a different story, including her fiancé, her mother her father, her sister, her uncle and even her lawyer all are claiming she told them different things.
It may well be that they are all lying.
She would be better placed if they all shut up.
But the fact she now has sex worker colleagues telling the media she told therm her mother had MS and had died, and that they all chipped in money to help her with her costs just accentuates the apparent problems she may have with the truth.

I think the original debate has shifted somewhat.

From being (if) she was a hooker; how is that relevant to being a drug mule?, to; (if) she was a hooker is she lying about a previous occupation? so she must be lying about the drugs.

Previously a hooker or not, it’s still irrelevant as it has nothing to do with her current predicament.

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I disagree. I think her looseness with the truth has a lot of relevance to the story she , through her lawyer is trying to tell.

I didn’t realise you’d interviewed her yourself. An oversight on my behalf.

Her story has more holes in it than an orange bag, it’s instructive that people are talking about her past career rather than the actual story.
She could’ve been a nun, her story would still stink.

And 9 of 10 posters on here will swear they don’t pay attention to tabloid media!!

Her past career? She was still active in right before she went on holiday, it is hardly a “past” career.

Personally I don’t care what she did to make money on a daily basis, that part in and of itself is irrelevant, the issue is the constant lies to all those around her, including those in her chosen workfield. It is showing that whatever testimony she gives is unreliable and it is what the prosecutors are going to use on her. She would be much better served to start telling the truth, or the “lenient” sentence (5 years or so or even switch to an Aussie cell) they are all hoping for will evaporate and she will be there for 20 years+.

What the fark would you know about this girls character? You are such a judgmental prick of doubtful character.


HER current career, past career, future career: none of it’s relevant


Does blitz count as a tabloid these days - that’s where I read about her possible sex work. Like you say it doesn’t really change the fact that her story was always massively flawed but I guess it in some ways it makes it even less likely she will garner much sympathy from the public.

It popped up in my twitter feed. Ch 9 broke the story,

IMO just an excuse to use a photo with b oobs.


It is relevant though if her holiday was not a holiday at all and she was working illegally and the whole drug thing was part of it. That is what the prosecutors will be looking at. The fact she lied about what she was doing just before leaving Aus starts to make them get quite suspicious at what was really going on.

I reckon she’s done a pretty good job of that without needing to dip into her past.

totally don’t know what picture you mean

she’s a hooker, you say?

forward or back?


Maybe the media should do a bit more than skim crap from random news sites and social media avenues, and then get ■■■■■■ off when they don’t have their facts straight. I don’t know…something like ‘journalism’, perhaps.