Dumb Questions Amnesty

I had one a bit like that but was resolved by me not going anywhere near him again, then I moved firstly, across town, and secondly, nearly 300km away, and thirdly, him dying of pancreatic cancer.

Now, don’t feel sorry for him. fark Carlton supporter and competitive bridge player. Two ingredients of a Grade A ■■■■.

Just ignore them.

It’s not worth the effort.

Move on with everything else

Well, going by what you’re saying - you already have it sorted out. Nothing anyone is going to say is going to change that, really. It may be a ‘time’ thing. Maybe, in 5 years time, the cold shoulder will turn into polite civility. Who knows. Basically - move on. By ‘being civil’, I mean - no need to get narky with each other, and if he does with you, just…move on. Because you have mutual friends, so a smack in the gob won’t help things there :slight_smile:

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You have 2 choices the way I see it. Just ignore it. Or call him out in front of everybody to bring it to a head.

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Can someone explain to me why when ever a work crew digs up a side walk after spending time removing pavers tiles etc so the pipe can be laid … they never replace them just lay down asphalt in the space where the tiles once were?

What state are you talking about? In Vic pre-Boofhead Kennet, service authorities such as Telstra, Gas and Fuel etc used to do the work necessary and then notify the local councils who repaired the roads or footpaths that were damaged using a set rate per m2 that was negotiated with the Local Government Association. Plumbers and builders had to get permits and pay the going rate as well.

Kennet in his wisdom decided to streamline this process and decided to let them do their own repairs supposedly to the same standard. Most authorities do the temporary repairs (with coldmix asphalt) and then forget to notify the local government authority and forget to come back and do the final repair until someone complains or it is noticed etc. Often the repairs are substandard and don’t always cover the full damage and as most of the work crews doing the original work do not properly compact their backfill the trenches often subside especially in footpaths where they haven’t dowelled into the existing concrete. Plumbers and builders are still supposed to take out permits but often don’t if they think they can get away with it.


Moral dilemma, you lot. Help me out.

Last year the mob that manage my rental property in Brissy suggested that I put the rent up $100 bucks a week. Immediately, the term ‘blood money’ came to mind. I umm’d and ahh’d for a few weeks before finally deciding to go half way and put it up $50. No idea if I did the right thing.

Well, the lease is up for renewal again. This time, they’ve suggested I put the rent up $160 to account for a) market factors and b) making up the softer increase last time around. $160? F**k me. How is one to know what’s right?

Nobility isn’t gonna pay for my aged care but these are fellow working class people I’m dealing with. Yeah, I know I’m on the good side of this problem but god f**king damn it, I hate this game.

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Are the tenants long term and good?
I’ve got a couple of properties that I’ve only increased by small increments or even held at same rate for a year as they are good tenants and look after the places so I don’t want to risk losing them. Other properties have increased by hefty margins as I’m not fussed if they stay or not and I know I’ll have no problem renting them out again. Not every circumstance is the same but at the end of the day it’s your property and you are entitled to make decent coin from it and you need to look after yourself first and foremost

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Good post. Thanks.

I never hear from them or from the managers regarding anything directly related to them so yes, they are good tenants. I’m thinking of doing another half way increase. Happy mediums and all that.

have your costs gone up at all?

“market factors” is literally just property managers saying to put the prices up so they can tell other owners that market forces mean they should also put their prices up


Glad you made this point. I’ll be factoring it in. Interest rates haven’t moved for months. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any additional expenses. General living expenses have gone up for everyone but I don’t think that should enter the equation.

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It also increases their commission.

Have a look at similar properties in the area and see what they are advertised for to see how reasonable it is, it might be at the top of the range for the area They are not always the experts they say they are.

Insurance, rates, land tax (?), general maintenance have all gone up. For me interest rates shouldn’t count.

Then apply the “good person” discount. I’ve had similar the past two years and always been under.

Another good point. Insurances and rates never go down. So maybe an increase of 10-20 a week is ok. Shitloads fairer than $160.

It’s a tricky question. I full well know my investment is let for at least $100 per week under what comparable properties are going for. But I am of the view the tenants would definitely know this too and, touch wood, conduct themselves accordingly.

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Never thought about this until now, but I wipe my butt with my opposite hand.
Is this common?

I wouldn’t have thought so. Most people use toilet paper.


Standard in 3rd world countries - where eating is done with the dominant hand…

Makes sense. I also eat with a fork in my right hand, I’m all out of whack.

Only you are likely to answer that. Unless we hear from any other people whose butts you may wipe with that hand.

Fmd I had the exact same dilemma, umming and ahhing included, made the exact same decision this morning.