Elections in Europe

There are around 9 political groupings, ranging from the radical left to the far right.
So far on the count, the Greens have lost 19 seats in the European Parliament and the pro European liberals down by 22 seats.

As yet, no comprehensive breakdown by Country, although the far right has gained considerable ground in France. It shouldn’t be that surprising, as Le Pen ran second to Macron in the last French Presidential elections.

The European Parliament site is updating on the 2024 election thread in real time.
Let’s see how far this translates to voting at the national level. No surprises that the far right maintains a lot of Italian seats. Ditto for Hungary.
The far right gains have been strongest in France and, to a lesser extent, Germany. However Conservatives and Centrists are prominent.

Anthony Green is currently holidaying in Europe. It may be beyond his expertise to extrapolate the results to the simpler Australian level ( two main Parties, compulsory and preferential voting, higher than 16yo voting age)


Putin will be pleased

He’d have a bigger smile on his face if Trump wins.
The Europeans are so different: in individual weight, but where smaller powers may be needed to secure an outcome; the Government and its head of government more often than not governs in a minority coalition involving a lot of compromises to stay in power; different systems , including Federal where the executive powers may be distributed between President and PM etc

The balance of power remains in the hands of the centrists. There’s been a small swing to the right, but it doesn’t overly impact the overall makeup of the EU parliament.

Macron is calling an election early basically to make LePenn shut up. The nature of French elections make it harder for far right candidates to get up, so Macron has an advantage. It’s a risk, but one that is calculated.


Macron put a lot of effort into fighting off the far right in the EU elections. He failed. He has run as a Centrist, it’s how he got into power and how he and the PM he appointed can effectively wield power through Parliamentary support
French media are recalling Chirac’s own goal when he called a snap election.
Far right gains in EU elections are not a good omen for stability in French politics.


Because Macron has run as a centrist aligned with the left, he’s created a situation where the only option to vote against him results in a shift to the right.

THE Left doesn’t really exist in France, different Leftists with different agendas and the Social Democrats.


Second stage of French elections is on 7 July.
Some are labelling Macron playing a poker game.
Some on the Left calling for the Leftists to unite, avoid further splintering; others opposed to what they call a grubby coalition.

Well there’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He does all right.

Does Macron know something about the Olympics? Logic would say to have an election after the feel good glow not before

Early counting gives the LFI 9 Seats, a gain of 4 in the EU Parliament, 4th placed in the French number of seats in the EU Parliament

TDF begins 29 June.
The Olympics are owned more by the Mayor of Paris. The French may not be that patriotic about the Summer Olympics.
It could go badly wrong with security. Reportedly, the French are getting help from other Europeans to manage it, in a volatile political climate in Europe and the Middle East.There’s already been sabotage attempts.


From the outside it’s looking like Macron is taking a risk now to avoid further damage in three years when his presidency expires.

He’s banking on

  • the right not being popular enough to secure a majority without dealing with other parties
  • Le Pen to be uncomfortable with a higher political profile which would cause her an embarrassment or two
  • the possibility of forming a coalition similar to Sanchez in Spain in order to avoid FN leading France
  • the French tendency to hate their leaders

I met the french gendarmerie responsible for security at the Olympics. There will be over 50,000 police at the opening ceremony. It will be so locked up, the concern is unrest elsewhere in the country.


Shadow of the Munich Olympics. Athletes have to leave the Olympic Village when their event finishes.

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I read somewhere that the Irish PM might do a Macron after the results in the Irish local elections ( which delayed the timing of Irish voting in EU Parliamentary elections).
Have you been following?

The Marrickville mauler and great Australian of maltese descent says :wave:t4: :laughing:

Meanwhile, reportedly, the Belgian PM resigns following gains of the Flemish Right in Federal and local elections, with the Flemish far right getting 14% of the vote .
The Belges must be worn out voting and adapting to new PMs. Their own elections were held on the same day as the EU elections.

Why ? Do you really think that RightWingers like Putin ? He is a voracious dictator and any Western European Government should fear him.

Indications that the voter turnout in France has increased. It would have been helped by the prisoner exercising his civil rights, who did a runner after he was left in the curtained booth unshackled