Electric Motor Vehicles

So would I.

Keep us posted.

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I really dislike these one continual row of headlight designs. Iā€™m surprised they are allowed given itā€™s easier to judge distance with two.


I once heard story of a guy outside a pub who walked on to the road at night and decided to stand ā€œbetween the two motorbikesā€ that were coming.


This is pretty cool.

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I was hoping to jump into the electric car market with my eye on the new model Y but with a fascist sociopath at the helm of the company Iā€™m having second thoughts.

Been seeing telsa owners online feeling the brunt of peoples anger over musks despicable behaviour. How are the tesla owners here feeling? Are you concerned about your car being targeted or judged by driving a tesla?

Seems like mercedes got a free pass over the past 80 years.


Nope, not at all. If anyone targets our cars they will be dealt with.

I know a lot of Tesla drivers and none got a Tesla because of Mad Musk. He will get dealt with as well one day, by some of the other 100 million nutters in USA, all with automatic weapons.

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Mrs Fox has Model Y, and it is a very good car. She had a Lexus RS350 before it and says the Y is better. Big test will be tomorrow when we are driving to Sydney. I have driven to Sydney and back in my Model 3 without Mrs Fox and it was a breeze, so it will be interesting to see how good the Y is. Plan to charge at Albury and Yass, Tesla app says it will be a 20 minute charge in both places.


I am in the same position as you, I am now looking at a Hyundia as an option. It wonā€™t be a Tesla now.


Iā€™m not there yet. I still think the Tesla is the best option at the moment. But geez. When does the tesla board start saying he is hurting the Tesla business model more than he is helping it.

I think we all now know he isnā€™t the genius he once fooled us thinking he was. We all now know he wasnā€™t the founder, the inventor or developer of Tesla vehicles, heā€™s a grifter and a con man that rocketed the Tesla value far beyond what itā€™s actually worth. Conned the government for funding and made unrealistic promises to the public and out and out lied to everyone to push his personal fortune to a level humanity has never seen.

What he does have is a bunch of hard working highly intelligent employees that believe in the product they produce, despite the mad man in charge. Oh and nigh on a trillion dollars.

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I love my Model 3 and couldnā€™t care less about Muskā€™s politics. The new Model Y looks great and you wonā€™t be disappointed.


Yeah itā€™s obvious the product is great. But geez Musk is hurting the brand.

But you know what, we all buy from amazon knowing bezos is a turd. We flew Qantas when Joyce was running it, buy our groceries at either Coles or Woolies knowing they rip us all off, and most of us have our money in the big 4.

We donā€™t like it, but weā€™re all just trying to live day to day trying to be a good person. Unfortunately we sell our soul a little bit with nearly everything we do.


I saw a new santafe driving around the other day, it was kinda browney Bronze. Jesus it looked huge and very impressive

I donā€™t buy from Amazon

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Cost still a big factor in Aus

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The impending Chinese tsunami is gonna change that.


Ford giving up on developing unsupervised driving and will license a product instead. Announcement soon.

I think cost will really drop off as established brands are forced to compete more with China on price.

(And the Chinese cars that are decent develop a positive reputation).

The at home charging is a big problem. Thats not really solvable for a large number of people.

Australia is already a divided country between those who own and those who rent as well as those who live in a detached home vs an apartment.

EVs leave a lot of people behind. Iā€™d like to see the government handle EV infrastructure like the NBN.

Ie take care of the electrical backbone to all homes then have some sort of mechanism to charge for access thatā€™s affordable.

I think charging will become a bit more like internet access has over the years.

Remember when it was costly, dial up, youā€™d pay $20 per day in a hotel room. Now itā€™s pretty much hotspotting everywhere and not everyone needs the infrastructure, if we all share it around. Obviously bigger clunkier and less safe to send electricity than data. But I think eventually it will be something thatā€™s just ā€˜thereā€™

How is it going to be just there?

You hired a sparky recently to do the work? :money_mouth_face:

I doubt landlords are going to do it for renters and good luck convincing body corporates to pay for it whilst they are being reamed on insurance and dodgy strata managers.

Its tens of thousands of dollars min to do the work in some buildings. For the one guy who wants to switch to EV?

Its a real chicken and egg scenario unless your in your own ā€œforever detached homeā€ and even then its got to be a fairly straightforward install.

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