England: 10 years to save the Lettuce

“who sprayed his Foie-gras infused liquid ■■■■ all over our constitution”


I think we need to stop referencing Australia practising the Westminister system of government.
And if the King of Australia and his heir apparent are caught barracking for the Poms in the Ashes, charge them with treason.

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The Boris phase of UK government, was just like its forebears, the latest in an experiment that started about 800 years ago.

Actually I doubt that he changed much during the Boris incumbency. Sure he broke many procedures, and one in particular ( proroguing parliament ) was found by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional. The major change he made predated his incumbency as PM, and BREXIT can be more so blamed on David Cameron than Boris. Why did Cameron ask a question, to which he did not already have the answer ?

Boris had the chance to be great, but he just swashbuckled himself headlong into his own demise, like some out of control Head Prefect who staged a massive drunken orgy in the Masters’ common room at Midnight.

By the time he finished up he was disliked by 49% of British people. That’s about the same as Rupert Murdoch, but still more popular than David Cameron ( 57%) ( figures according to MyGov )

Hopefully Sunak will do less damage to the body politic in the UK than his 4 predecessors and improve the lives of the British people in the dying days of the Tory government.

One day, the penny might drop that Britain is only designated as Great Britain to distinguish the landmass of the British isles from that province in France with a smaller landmass ( there’s Bretagne and Grand Bretagne) .

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Footage from a Dec 14, 2020 party attended by host of Tories. They can be heard laughing about breaking the COVID rules at the time.

I’d rather catch COVID again than attend a party like that.


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By comparison, Morrison is extremely truthful…and Trump…well, not Trump.

Meanwhile … the biggest pantomine villian of the lot in UK politics (although he can never seem to get himself elected to the HoC) has been given the bum’s rush by UK Banks …

Heart bleeds.


‘I emailed the chairman, a lackey phoned me to say that it was a commercial decision, which I have to say, I don’t believe for a single moment.’

Poor diddums :joy: , ‘a lackey phoned him’.

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That is a little harsh, Odysseus tries to get out of going to the Trojan war and stops when his son’s life is threatened, despite being the man of many wiles.

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According to the Bank, his deposits were below the eligibility threshold, but that he could bank with its subsidiary, as one of the hoi polloi. He was not made persona non grata as such.

And didn’t Odysseus stay faithful to his wife?

Unlike Boris…

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Well there were a lot of witches out there…it’s complicated


Right up to the final Siren.


Ha ha ha ha ha!

In a wide-ranging interview with Sky News, Gillian Keegan said she would “pick them up myself” when asked how best to engage with missing pupils.

Asked if it was a good use of a headteachers’ time to pick a pupil up from home, Mrs Keegan said: "They [headteachers] do have a duty. We all have to play our part. Sometimes you have to go [to the home] or sometimes you have to text the parent in the morning. Sometimes you just have to do whatever is possible.

That’s what some do in the NT here and arrange for breakfasts and lunch.
What’s the truancy rate there?


And as predicted, Sunak and the Tories play the climate change doubter card. Courtesy of the current NH jetstream abberation leaving the UK a positively cool and wet summer whilst southern Europe burns.


The late 2024 election campaign is off and running. Tories will lose, but not by the margins currently being predicted imao.