England: Return of the sausages

He should do post match reviews.


How well is Reform UK expected to do?

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Hard to tell exactly.

Anyway, its now UK GE voting day … and whilst as much as the MSM have tried to milk the event per se, Britain wants to just get it over with now. Nige and his Reform UK motley crew might get one or two more than this latest of late polls predict … but there’ll be a lot of close calls on seats come Friday declarations.

Interesting though. Whilst Italy, France and parts of western Europe keep lurching to the political right, its ol’ Blighty bucking the trend and seems moving back to its left of centre i.e. Labour, Lib Dem parties.

Hope springs eternal.


Rupert is backing Labour this time around. He knows a winner when he sees one.

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Because they’ve had 14 years of lurch and there’s literal shitt in the water. Those other countries will remember pretty quick what fascism tastes like


That’s quite the takedown.

I had no idea about the champagne tax cuts. Geez.


It’s not so much a matter of lurching right I don’t think, more a matter of lurching in the direction of ‘get rid of the gronks in charge’. And almost everywhere except the UK, the current set of gronks are historically and nominally ‘centre-left’ parties who mostly govern as free-market-fetishist corporate-owned goons indistinguishable from Margaret Thatcher except for ostentatiously putting out Pride Week press releases.

Of course, even Starmer can’t be described as ‘left’ in any meaningful sense, he’s basically promising to be Tory But Competent, even to the point of bashing the trans and refusing to even consider that Brexit might have been a mite poorly-thought-out.


If Starmer was anything close to left-of-centre, he’d be getting the Corbin treatment from the press, not an endorsement from Murdoch.


There’s a lot to do in the UK. A lot to now fix thanks to the last 14 years that brought you Brexit, failed or at best patchy and expensive ongoing privatisations e.g. trains, water and energy. Add chronic failed immigration controls. And then there was Liz Truss who damaged within 49 days not only the Tories but the UK’s economic competency. Inadequate affordable housing whilst trying to rein in a rental free for all. The list goes on. And btw Keir Starmer constantly berated Boris and the Tories over their ■■■■■ Brexit “deal” without campaigning to try re-enter. Many core Brexiteers already are calling it a busted flush these days. Which it is.

To try fix a lot of these, you have to first get elected. And like in most western democracies, centrist or those slightly left of centre parties must pass the unfettered tax and spend charge and the beauty catwalk the Murdoch press demands. Promise to manage the finances, inflation and public services better but no new tax charges (with fingers crossed behind backs probably) in the ask. Easy right? One thing priced in is a slug on multinationals but that’s been carefully explained to City boardrooms already. There’ll be more than one of those in the offing.

Starmer is very much Blair Mk II. Hell, even Blair himself and key figures like Mandleson and a few other Blairite grandees have been behind Starmer’s planning and silently steering his campaign bus. The playbook is similar. Reach out to the poorer in society promising change, offer Gen x and millennials ways of getting a house and more money in the hip pocket. Whilst holding the fort and not scaring Boomers and the Silent folk with taxes on wealth and their superior pensions. CGT changes haven’t been ruled out though.

He’ll be solid on defence, NATO, homeland security and human rights. He’ll get on and collaborate with Europe, be good mates with Albo for sure but who knows with a Trump presidency. They’ve got some big ideas around national infra development. But he’s ditched the militant left, antisemitism and any notion of cosying up to authoritarians. And working through the trans issues.

Hey, he’s a bit boring but boring with brains is way better than the tripe on toast been offered since say 2015 by the soon to be belted Tory party and government. And he’s way more inclusive which, given the battering and decline Britain has endured that’s at least a warmer place to restart and try repair the UK.



Any news from Larry?

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Last seen this morning slinking off in the direction of Wimbledon.


Going to be an absolute blood bath. Could even be the biggest post war majority

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8th time lucky for ■■■■■■■ Farage, it seems.

Welcome to the vagaries of FPTP voting

Labour with a bigger landslide (but less than Blair wins) with less of the vote what the Conservatives won with last time

Boo hoo. Has worked for the Tories quite nicely over the trot.

With a big leg up from Starmer, it has to be said. The young, black Labour candidate in that seat was literally told by party honchos to stop campaigning, because he was cutting through too much and getting too much media coverage, and was taking attention away from the leader. And now fkg Farage waltzes in instead.

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But despite all this election news, and hearing from Larry the cat, we have had no updates about that lettuce that outlasted a PM.

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