Family Law Court

If he has an undischarged child support debt, the AFP will appear when he goes through passport control and he won’t be allowed to leave the country.

Well, the baby will have been entered into the lady’s family book: no birth certificates in Laos. She will have had to enter the father’s name when attending the office of the Village Chief where that entry was made. The law on nationality of a child of mixed nationality parentage is complicated and getting a passport will take a long time and also requires the production of numerous documents about the father. In general, the child will get a Lao passport initially. The father will have to produce DNA evidence of parentage at the Australian embassy here before any application for Australian citizenship can be pursued, and there is no DNA laboratory here, in Laos. You have to go to Thailand or Vietnam for that.

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People who parent children with a Lao are in a difficult position getting a passport from the non-Lao country of origin for their offspring because they have to show that they are the father and that shows that, if they are not married with the Lao parent, they have broken the law on intimacy.

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Well Jack at Court yesterday he told the Registrar that all was organised for the child and mother to come to Australia and he is now here permanently. I asked if he had documentation to prove this and was told that his story sounded correct so they regarded it as correct.

I reckon he has done a very good snow job on everyone. He got a bigger share of the assets and had his liabilities included and is not expected to pay Child Support. I know of many cases where Fathers get a rough deal at the Family Court, but this time the Mother has not done that well.

Many thanks for your input, it was really appreciated.

On property, really reconsider buying it with a spouse…

If your fortunate it enough purchase it with blood relatives only through a family trust.

Make it a Patriachy or Matriachy. But not both. Transfer to the surviving spouse on death then onto the eldest son or daughter.

Really wish I had that advice early in life. Can always start.

Very sorry for your sister and her child. The story, as related by you, suggests that the gentleman is really out in the boondocks, morally. She has got the rough end of the deal. There is an old saw that says what goes around comes around. In the Buddhist land of karma, she is due for her share of good luck and he of bad luck.

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Thanks Jack.

How long have you lived there and what is it like ? I have been to most places in the region, but never to Laos.

I have lived here since February 2002: before that, I travelled here every three months for a week, since August 1994. Never before lived anywhere except UK - though travelled the world from there. I was 60 when I came here, and the great advantages that I saw were (a) climate - warm all the year round, (b) green all the year round, © lovely people, (d) low cost of living (e) excellent beer, (f) very good food, (g) beautiful country … Still enjoy it almost 18 years later. Part of that is that the world beats a path to my door.


So Jack, you are about 10 years younger than @Alan_Noonan_10.

So how is it that you are a Bomber ?? Must be a good story.

No Bacchus, I am a lot older than Alan Noonan, as per my last post. Nest biggie is 80. But age is a relative thing.

I am not really a Bomber. I have a Google alert on ‘Laos’ and you showed up on it. So I responded to you. Had to become a Bomber to do so. But I shall now let it fade quietly away.

As I said, originally, I have a Bacchus in my garden. He sends a continuous liquid flow into my pond, and is there over the other side whenever I sit on my deck. So, I have a bit of a thing for Bacchus.

No doubt you are aware of the fact that he was conceived by a virgin, Semele in communion with a god (Jupiter). The circumstances of his birth, on December 25th were very strange. He had a lot in common with Dionysus, Mithras, Isis and … Jesus.

There was some suggestion, in this thread, that you are/were a politician?

Please stay… you’ll like it here


Thanks for coming to this forum and contributing so well. I hope you will stay on and make some more posts. For example, the “Travel Thread” would welcome your expert comments about Laos.


Laos is sloooooooow but I guess that’s (mostly) a feature not a bug.

I could, and did, sit here for a good while doing nothing… and not just because of the effort climbing from the valley floor!

And sitting here listening to us win the 2017 Ashes…

(zoom in for detail, it’s wide even I chopped it down to 1/16th size!)


So humid.

No-on is older or wiser than @Alan_Noonan_10.

Well you are now any honorary Bomber, and you should stay around and view what passionate and sometimes really stupid Bomber supporters are about. We have some good non-Footy threads and many of the Blitz Members live away from Australia and can give “local” input for Travel, Politics and many other things, which is great.

We have as statue like the Micheangelo in the picture in our garden, but my Blitz name is more about where I live in a small town called Bacchus marsh, not named after Bacchus, but by the Pommy who first settled the place in 1838, Captain William Henry Bacchus. We do drink a great deal of wine and if you are going to follow any God, then I reckon Bacchus is a good one. As you said, I think Dionysius is the proper name, but Bacchus sounds more debauched.

I was a local shire councillor and our local Mayor, but no longer and feel much better for it. Still active in Labor Party politics, but the way Governments across the World move more and more to the right, it gets harder to stomach that as well.

We are planning a trip to Cambodia next year, so maybe we can also look at Laos. By the end of next year the plan is to have taken up residence in Catalonia, at a seaside place called Roses, where we are currently looking for a new home.

Again many thanks for your input.

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I have to say I’ve been really happy with the speed and efficiency with which the Family Law Court has handled my divorces. No doubt this is assisted by the fact they know me, as I’ve been their regular customer for some years now.


Dear Darli
What a very kind and courteous invitation. I am not very sure that I shall have much to contribute. Or how I keep in touch with what is going on there.

Happy to follow Albert Thurgood’s suggestion and contribute to travel items about Laos, if I can be of help.

I use a toothpaste that used to be called Darky. I guess that became politically unacceptable so they changed the name to Darly! Same toothpaste.

Dear Albert
Thank you for your kind words. I shall watch out for whatever comes up.

In the meantime, the pictures of Lao mountainscape from DJR show what a breathtaking landscape we have here. No doubt one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

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Dionysus was Bacchus’ Greek look-alike. As you say, Bacchus kinda earned a more boozy image.

If you come to Laos, look up Jungle House, Vientiane as a place to stop and lay down your head, sup some sup, and have good home-cooked Lao food.

Roses is a very beautiful place, and they have some pretty darned good wine there, too! Bacchus will not be disappointed.

Dionysius was a tyrannical figure in Syracuse, Sicily a couple of hundred years BC.

Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.