Favourite/least favourite Xmas ads?

I just want you to know this might be my favourite Blitz post since pazza.

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I should probably start a thread on public service announcements.public information films.

Anti smoking PSA. The kid is Morgan Griffin from The Sleepover Club:

Lonely Water (The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water). A bunch of kids from London suddenly find out "flippin’ heck!::

Children and Ponds. A female toddler finds out that you don’t need Frankenstein’s Monster to cause little girls to drown in water:

Jeez mate, your Christmases must have been bleak.

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One can only imagine the thrills that could be had diving deep on that topic.

Or you could, you know, post about footy. Probably wouldn’t hurt to change the theme of your posts, either. Wouldn’t wanna give the wrong impression…

WTAF is this thread about?

Mr Bean

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I was going to post the version of a community service ad that we used to sing as kids, but unfortunately much later events have made it inappropes.

I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt - that all of your posts seem to revolve around young girls/kids , and a highly questionable user name - and not ban you. Yet.

But I AM closing this thread.