Former #49 Jaiden Hunter

Because there’s not a single player in the AFL currently playing 100% pain free, and no one is missing games because an undiagnosable niggle might get worse.

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Either they knew of the injury nd stuffed up the treatment or they didn’t know and failed to do their homework. Simple as that

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The reality is when he did the medical there probably wasn’t anything to know.
Can’t diagnose or manage something that doesn’t exist.


Any sighting of this lad? Is he still at th club or has he bolted back to wa

I would suggest he is at the club doing his rehab, he has a contract and would want to show he has commitment to earn another 12 months

I would hope so and I think we should definitely give another 12 month contract.
I was hoping some of our training watchers could chime in

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no it isn’t

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just here for hot takes.

hes probably show more in his 2 vfl games than reid has.


Showed plenty of forward nous in his most recent game. Genuinely think he has something


That’s funny

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Has there been a sighting yet of him at the hangar.
He’s Insta would say he’s back in Perth

My man’s alive and rocking a straight up dirty travis head mo he’s gotta stay on the list now


How does the club proceed with this one? Just honour the initial contract and then ship him back to Perth? I don’t really understand how these things work, but he definitely showed some really positive signs in the two VFL games he played.

He’s a young tall recruited by Essendon and showed something now has the standard Ess back injury.

He will stay on list roughly 6-7 years, play 8-10 VFL games and shoot the lights out in most of them just giving you hope he is the next big thing before eventually being delisted.


Remember the good old days when the club had significant control over its website, what it put up and when?
Enter the AFL . “We are now taking control of the EFC website, and will totally control what goes on it and when.”


Not a Dr Who fan, but I read that in a dalek voice… “Ex-ter-min-ate!”


Marlion Pickett broken onka-paringa

Can’t we just bring him in

I mean he looked good in the VFL despite all his supposed stress fractures

How much more could we break him?

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Given the lack of progress on Weideman this year, I reckon this kid is every chance of staying on the list, injured or not.


Wrong comparison.

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