Former #49 Jaiden Hunter

Gives me Hooker vibes can take a mark and has a rough lid

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Sign him up!


Maybe one day he can win The Coleman.

Not mentioned in the update. :thinking:

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It’ll be renamed the Hunter in his honour after his fourth consecutive Coleman.

He’ll win four Coleman medals and eight Hunter medals.

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It’s weird he doesn’t get mentioned in the delistings and not in the re-signings I think unfortunately it’s a wait and see what happens through trade period and draft to see if he stays


Who’s he following on Insta?


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George “the Animal” Steele

I was just at a shop over here in the great west and was buying some Essendon stuff and the young man who served me said he was mates with Hunter and said it is a automatically a two year deal now apparently when you get picked in the mid year draft


Standard is 6 months, some players nominate with an 18 month or longer condition.


This kids got it. Just needs some luck with injuries.


Don’t they have to nominate that before the draft

Wright is essentially a third tall. If Hunter turns out to be as good as he promises to be, and if Jones ever manages to get fit enough to play consistently, then we potentially have three very good talls with a lot of goalkicking power.

Yeah I’m not sure,but the kid I was talking to said he played with him at Perth football club.

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Odd that he’s basically the only player not mentioned in the latest injury update.

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Hunter elected to be signed on a 6 month contract.


That’s what I recall. Was desperate to get picked up despite injury issues, so made himself disposable. Hopefully he stays - looks like there’s something there that just needs injury luck - like Baldwin.


He’s been to the club a few times since our season has ended.
Once with the rehab group.
The other time to do gym work.

Others have also turned up for gym work.
Voss and Mass have. So has Baldwin.
Ditto Lord who was delisted as has Martin (not delisted obviously).
Flip turns up too, but he’s doing something with AFLW I think.


100% Next year’s best 22 could look very different than 2023.