Game day thread vs Norf (2019 round 17)

Hurls on Brown - the stuff of nightmares.

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Love that Clarke Z tidied his mess!

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Lol, sh*t start.

Come on defence

Who is this pelican

kill the incoming high balls

No one presented, no one made space, so he kicked down the line. If Zlarke could mark then that was an easy mark missed.

They kick the first

Wtf is with our defence so far? Two uncontested marks. Sloppy AF

Zurhaar, remember the name, he is gonna go all “Matt Taberner” on us


We’re done.


Free kick EVERY team into a game.


Zurhaar is a good footballer so far, he isn’t just bobbing up as an unknown pelican.

Kicking out of the backline has been crap all year

Defence is shaky

good hold Guelfi

Felt it wasn’t close enough to the boundary. Ball spilled from the contest right to CHF

WTF? Clarke is on Cunnington, but then he is taken off for a rest barely into the first 1/4 leaving Cunnington all alone?

As long as theyre consistent and dont pay the shepherd that nm player did against hooker

Wow we’re giving them way too much space