I replaced our grass recently. We’d bought a house where they just hadn’t looked after it at all (they had a pooch using it as a toilet). So I dug it all up and replaced with Sir Walter. 6 weeks after laying it is looking pretty good. Just given it its first mow today. It is a bit uneven under foot so will level with some sand soon I think.
Very much a novice gardener but, now I’ve been in this place a year, and the fences will get a much needed replacing, starting to think of what to do with this space. It’s basically as I inherited it. Got 5 ornamental pear trees, they are huge and provide a great screening for the top storey. I’m just wondering what I can do with the rest of this to make it a bit nicer. It’s basically all tambark, the length is around 10m, and the aspect is west facing.
Don’t get a colour bond fence. Think about space for a herb garden ( even if in pots), whether there’s scope for some flowering plants or the likes of lavender to give off a nice scent with minimal upkeep. Big pots can look attractive compared to in ground planting.
Choice could depend on the sun and shade.
Haha, all I hear from fencing quoters is go for Colorbond. They say the quality of the timber has been pretty ordinary and you’d probably have to replace the fence again in 3-4 years.
They radiate heat and noise, including from the neighbours and from branches in the wind. It’s difficult to grow plants and bushes against them and you need a complicated trellis to grow vines to hide their ugliness. Looking out from a window or deck on a piece of yellow tin ain’t pretty.
Timber last much longer than 3 -4 years, sometimes it’s just the posts that need resetting or replacing. They are expensive ATM because of the disruption in supply chains ( like the Black Sea stuff).