He did have a chance, arms were free, chose (rightly) not to given the numbers around the ball.
Should’ve been called but Crows have been given an eternity to get rid of it anyway
Brown just puts his arms up, doesn’t actually compete. Just sort of sticks them up and lets them float in the wind. Soft as butter imo.
Great kick on goal
Gee that and the poster from the other pocket.
Great shot on goal
geez that was borderline free kick for a late bump, nothing in it
10 - 4 the frees Crows way. Not that the crowd would show that, they boo everything.
Gee Adelaide must be really really disciplined to only give up 3 frees in a half.
Make that 4
Keys has a punchable head can understand the Dees player droping him on his arse ahah
I’d be filthy if I was a Dees supporter, the umps are killing them.
(Not sure why but we’ll BOO them anyway)
Petracca and Pickett look like they are playing a different sport to everyone else out there.
Fritch is being very lazy, one handed attempt at a mark when they needed him to commit to it.
Pickett saves his arse with a great goal.
Hes in trouble Pickett
C7 setting Pickett up for a suspension.
Billings you numpty
Billings is rubbish
Oliver is a complete non-entity.
What on earth is wrong with Oliver? He has been shockingly bad
boooo for a simple mark
Then umpire dissent just to create more booos