General Knowledge Quiz! - Quiz in OP - Happy 1,800th!

69 been answered.

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Did you mean 39 instead of 40?

Yeah realized after. Think I’ve had my quota.

Then can I answer 67 please?

If you get a wrong answer you can go again to your daily limit.

OP has a leaderboard so you can double check there.

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  1. Roger Bannister
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62: A dog (a kind of shaggy mutt greyhound)
63: Now - Euro. When the PDF was compiled: Schilling.
71 Marie Curie
73: John Constable
84: Parliament of Owls

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  1. Oil.

Nope :grin:

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I’m guessing that no. 15 is red and 36 is John Thomas…

If John Thomas is right, the question is wrong. John Thomas was not another name for Mellors, it was the name of part of Mellors. Or maybe the question is asking for his first name, which was Oliver.

  1. A barrister
    73 John Constable
    77 Harry Palmer

1 beach boys
51 beards
60 ricks cafe

taking a stab at a couple more

53 katherine hepburn
57 china

Rick’s Cafe Americain in Casablanca, not just Rick’s Cafe

ok fine jeez. not all of us saw it on opening night you know


If you’re going to be that, this won’t be the start of a beautiful friendship.

But we’ll always have Paris.


15 i’ll pay, close enough with Red Rum.

36 I have no idea. I have the answer as Lady Chatterlys Lover.

Do I pay you for 36?

73 been answered above you.

53 is incorrect.


Okay. Oliver Mellors was the name of the gamekeeper who was Lady Chatterley’s Lover. There was a part of him that he called John Thomas – quite a vital part for a male lover.

You’re running the quiz. You tell me whether I get it or not.

As for Red Rum, the question was the colour of the horse, which I answered as red. I reckon that one is definitely a win.

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  1. A lurcher is a dog.