General World News

Sudan would be the worst place to be ATM for women and girls caught up in the Sudan Civil War. 11 million displaced, women and girls being raped , reports of some suiciding. Millions have found refuge in other countries. The UN is managing to deliver some humanitarian aid when it gets supplies through the Port.
Reportedly Wagner is involved against the Army, UAE funding one side.
Sudan has some of the world’s most productive soil for cropping , while people starve.


What a crazy situation not allowed to go to a male doctor but not able to go to high school or university to become a doctor


Some points from the UNSC press statement of 30 October ( SC/15874) on UNRWA:

  • warn against any attempts to dismantle or diminish UNRWA’s operations or maintenance
  • expressed grave concern over legislation adopted by the Knesset and urged Israel to abide by its international obligations and to act responsibly in allowing unhindered and unfettered access to humanitarian aid.
  • highlighted the findings of the Colonna Independent Report, actions taken and the commitment by the UNSG and the Agency to fully implement the recommendations.
  • expressed appreciation of the work of UNRWA staff in very dire circumstances.

So if an Afgani woman cannot speak to a male doctor and Afghani women cannot attend University, then I guess it is just Dr Google for them, or die.

Strange place that.


There was also a ban on women working in NGOs, later extended to women in UN aid agencies. From memory , the latter has been relaxed following UN negotiations with the de jure government .
The UN continues to liaise with the Taliban on aid improvements, for which it is prepared to take the consequences of criticism. Otherwise, the delivery of humanitarian aid ( including female health workers) wouldn’t get through.

Yes. After more thought, I take it as (maybe) women are only allowed to consult with a male doctor if the husband or other male relative chaperones and does all the talking? And every medical procedure that entails contact would need to be done by a female doctor or nurse? I don’t know…

Also a very severe cholera outbreak in Sudan at the moment.

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Ahh, but no smartphone, so Dr Google not so easy to access.

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What if you need a more complex, life-saving operation done? I would assume that the more “well-off” Afghan families from Kabul would have previously travelled to Pakistan. But it looks like that is now off the table too (unless you use bribery at the border or smuggle your womenfolk disguised as men?).

A Russian court has fined Google two undecillion roubles - a two followed by 36 zeroes - for restricting Russian state media channels on YouTube.
In dollar terms that means the tech giant has been told to pay $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.




Which is more money than exists in the whole world

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I’m picturing google sending the worlds biggest folded paper aeroplane cheque to russia just for the giggles.

Cheque to bounce of course.

Wondering if there’s some way for them to actually pay this in rubles in a way that makes both the Russian currency and the fine completely worthless.

Strapped to a missile aimed fair and square at the Kremlin would be better


Nah…The Kremlin is a cool area…send it straight to Putin at his “little dacha by the coast”

I can’t verify this from other MSM yet.
But if the figure of 2000 still missing is anywhere near the mark, the confirmed 205 dead number is about to skyrocket.


Spain floods latest: 1,900 remain missing as desperate families look for lost relatives


:rofl:Imagine the guys trying to keep a straight face whilst applying for this grant…

Research Outcome:
“It is not plausible that, even with improved typing speeds or an increase in chimpanzee populations, monkey labour will ever be a viable tool for developing non-trivial written works,” the study says.


I first heard a variation of this infinite monkey theory decades ago. The version l heard was different to this, which l will take as a more accurate description than the one l heard. I was told that if an infinite number of monkeys were bashing on typewriters at random, it would be possible that one would eventually end up typing Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

I dismissed this claim, on the spot, as mathematics would need a new definition of what is possible and what is impossible, and it has nothing to do with an infinite number of monkeys on typewriters.

What is had to do was with is the notion that great art can be produced at random. Simply, it can’t, as the Dada art movement amply displayed.

It’s on the Darwin side of Indo.

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