Gough Whitlam dies aged 98



I hear he raised the Titanic, cured the plague and created the Panama Canal just by breathing on it.

Would you like some lemon & lime with that bitters?


Nothing bitter in me over the man, but the eulogising in here is taking on mythological status.
Albie's statement was the best one "A great man with a lot of faults".



Just cleaned up some recent posts. Apologies for a couple of decent replies lost. But , Debate his political legacy and actions in the , wait for it, Politics Thread. As requested already in this thread.

The outstanding political personality in Australia in the 20th century. The man had presence in a way that no one else before or since has shown. l knew he was going to end conscription and that alone would have been enough of a legacy. l was supposed to register for the draft, even though it was the second last one and the Vietnam war was winding down, there was no way l was going to register. He was also a man of vision, something Australia needed at the time and has lacked ever since then. 


RIP Gough, it's time.