Hey, Herald Sun: Go forth and garner STDs

I’m supportive.

Check this oxygen thief. fark him and his sh#tty serious journalism camera pose:

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Save yer oxygen.

amazing how conservatives are against euthanasia but now that its a roulette from a hug, sure lets go for it.


These days i just imagine the news as i want it to be, and then immediately accept it as fact. It’s usually more accurate than any of the papers.

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what’s interesting is how issues become political and fall into political sides

Clickbait Journalism 101.:

Rule One: Be Controversial.

Excellent Arts section, encased by a few forests worth of vanity publishing

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I don’t want News. I want Opinion. Saves me all that troublesome thinking.


You have a way with words that is only excelled by the great poets of our time, like Eminem, Lauryn Hill & Kendrick Lamar.

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Still hate The Age more, at least with the Herald Sun you know what you’re in for.

I enjoy the Inquirer section a lot.

The magazine is usually good. If I can snag an airport copy I will

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A quick read of online Reader comments in Herald Sun articles will quickly make you hope that CoVid does the world a favour by wiping out humans.


Man he’s gone downhill since he went to 9. He was half decent on the ABC I thought


Some ■■■■ in the Murdoch press got done for a hilarious piece where he was basically hoping for asylum seekers to top themselves.
The paper tried to defend it saying they were unlikely to see it as it was subscriber only.
The writer still, somehow, has a job.

:joy: People dont read the hun for facts.

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Did Bacchus just reference Kendrick Lamar?

That’s the problem, … a very influential and decisive 10% or so of nuffies do.

And they read and believe.

W/out the HS and it’s Murfuck ilk, … we would be a World leading country in many. many ways.

We would have no debt, because the wealthy, and Multi Nationals, & Miners would be paying their right whack of Tax for a start.


Its just nuffies nodding in agreement.

There are publications different nuffies read and form different opinions too.