James Hird — January 2017 onwards

You rate the analytical skills and piercing intellect of Luke Darcy far more than I do.
And, I suspect, far more than he does.

I understand that you’re p1ssed with every part of the saga, I really do.
But this guy couldn’t have been more of a patsy if he was singing songs on Here’s Humphrey*.

*I apologise for the forty year-old reference.


Nah, I agree the producers knew what they were doing, but they didnt grasp the fact that Darc is way out of his depth.

The result of which is that you hype something up as an explosive tell all interview, but the result is a bit of a sob story which is ultimately remembered for a three word question asked by the interviewer “say that again”.

Darcs’ tone through the whole interview and overexcitement I believe showed that the didnt really understand the weight his interview would carry, and it undermined the interview as a whole if you ask me. He doesnt have enough weight to make an interview like that stick. I dont know how else to describe it.

I agree, the panel would have been set up to dissect and salt the wounds created by the interview, but at the end of the day there was hardly anything there to reveal, and they just rambled on about nothing for the vast majority of it. IIRC they even tried to play down the ‘black ops’ remark.

I don’t know how willing or not Darcy was… but for Ch 7 to select him for the interview I reckon says it all. He is not a journalist he is an ex footballer commentator on a footy show. If Ch 7 wanted a real interview and not just a forum for Robinson they would have selected an experienced journalist (if they have any at Ch7).


Darcy is an adult who only now wants to walk away from the interview when the damage has been done and it is in his interests to do so. But let’s agree to disagree.

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I tend to believe that Darcy was only told on the morning of the interview who he was interviewing, because the media are only after sensationalism and not cold hard facts.
The media never dug deeper than the thin surface of the story, so why would that interview be any different?



Finally something about footy I can listen to.


The teaser episode is already fantastic to listen to!

You’re welcome, everyone.


Do you get royalties from talking footy?

Is that why the servers have been flying recently.

I would if anyone watched it.


Please explain

Crap, now I guess I have to download iTunes.

Any other way to get it?

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Awesome, can’t wait.

Any podcast app taps into the iTunes library

For Android pocket casts for a couple of dollars is nice.

Or podcast addict for free.

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Thanks a bunch, will check them both out.

That made me really smile. It’s nice to hear Hirdy happy.


Darcy was initially supportive of Hird and stood out of the media frenzy, for which Hird thanked him. If he did not have much advance notice of the interview, it was heavily scripted - giving the appearance of being rehearsed - and, knowing that there was bad blood between the Weapon and Hird, what did he expect was the purpose of the interview?
It wasn’t just the raid, but also the the assertion that Hird was injected with hexalerin. Granted, Darcy was set up, but …
First there was Danny Frawley playing the victim and trying to explain away the AFLCA position, now we have Darcy. I’m waiting for Finnis to to do a mea culpa on the AFLPA acting as the AFL stooge.


Stumbling block…come back to bite the network. I doubt it. I doubt if Ch7 could care less if Hird ended up working for them or not.

Best thing I have read for a while Bomber Girl…they were so dumb…