Lachie Hansen

Going to the Pies on 5 year $800k a year deal


I was going to start this thread damn it.

Finally the chance to complete the 2006 staff trifecta.

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Make it happen disco.

Pies actually need kpp badly. And Hansen plays both ends. Albeit he is ordinary.

so not right now.

Hansen? mmm…


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I made that joke in the first response, five hours ago.

@theDJR would be another person who’s a hero. The posts he’s created over the years, I don’t really read them, but the fact that he’s making them, I respect that.

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So we could have Leuenberger and Hansen? Maybe Gumbleton would be keen to return…

Let’s make a trade for Gibbs.

What’s Mitch Thorp doing these days

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It was funnier when i said it.

Where’s the LIKE BUT GET NICKED button?!?

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It’s the way you tell them.

Saw him play a couple of times in July. He was dropped and rightfully so. l strongly suspect this thread is an attempt to extract copious amounts of the amber fluid, and l don’t mean beer, l mean its by-product. Very suspect.

Why get Hansen, when we can get Jarrod Grant!